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Nelson Has a New Video, Did You Catch It?

Nelson just released their first rock video in 15 years. The clip is for "You're All I Need Tonight" from the forthcoming album Lightning Strikes Twice (due for an American release in early 2011). The Nelson twins consider the album a follow-up to After the Rain.

Lightning Strikes Twice will be released via Frontiers.


Suggestion: 'Glam Garage'

I'm impressed with all your comments of how to bring back Glam. Along those lines, longtime reader Marc wrote me an email yesterday with a great suggestion. Here's what he said:

"To help bring your community together and kept them active together perhaps offer what I would call the Glam Garage where people could sell and trade glam CDs, shirts, DVDs, autographed material, and everything related to Glam."

I think this is a great idea! Sadly, I have no idea how to do this - does anyone have any suggestions? I guess it would be a site plugin or something? I wouldn't charge any money for people to trade/buy/whatever. It would be cool to see what sort of rarities everyone has in their personal collections.

So, would you be interested in such a site addition? I can probably nag the Glam husband to make it happen - but only if there is enough interest. Leave your suggestions/opinions below.


What Else Can Be Done to Bring Back Glam?

We're coming up on four years of BBG! Can you believe it? In that time, it really seems like the bands we love have honestly come back into fashion. There was Rocklahoma, then M3, then Shiprocked. The constant touring by Poison and Motley Crue. Just last night, the popular show How I Met Your Mother made two Guns n' Roses Chinese Democracy references.

We can do more. But what? What else can we - the people who love classic Glam bands - do to make sure the genre continues to rise out of history?

I'm always amazed at the people I meet via this website who constantly say "Yes! Let's bring Glam back!" The passion is amazing. It is these same people who go to club shows in the middle of the work week in a snowstorm or spend their entire vacation budget to see bands in 100 degree heat. These same people buy retro T-shirts on eBay and legally buy all the new albums put forth by our classic faves.

But what else? How do you personally Bring Back Glam?


Feels Like the First Time

Some covers just impress me.

I was out and about over the weekend and I heard Daughtry's version of “Feels Like the First Time.” You know, the old Foreigner hit. Well, the song gave me pause. I'm not a big Daughtry fan but I had to listen close – at first it was hard for me to tell the difference between the cover and the original. Then, there was some signature Daughtry vocal moves and I knew what was going on. (I'm talking about a lot of vibrato here).

You already know I'm not a big fan of covers. Usually, I'd just rather listen to the original and be done with it...but I really liked this updated version of “Feels Like the First Time.” I guess Daughtry recorded the song for CNN during the 2008 presidential campaign...for their “first time voter” series. Yeah. But anyway, I think the song rocks just as hard as the original. Have a listen.

And the original


Songs That Make You Move?

Are there any Glam songs that always make you move? I listen to my iPod a lot at work and sometimes I'll catch myself actually chair dancing. And since I usually work with the door to my office open, this can be embarrassing. Below are a few songs that always get me moving.

London Quireboys - "7 O'Clock"

Jetboy - "Feel the Shake"

Bon Jovi - "It's My Life"

Extreme - "Decadence Dance"

So, what songs always make you move?


Best Overlooked Power Ballads?

What is the best “overlooked” power ballad? That's the question of the day.

Awhile back, dedicated BBG! reader Travis wrote in with that question as a topic suggestion. I think the question is brilliant. For his part, Travis suggested Tesla's “What You Give” as one of the best overlooked Glam power ballads.

For me, I think one of the best overlooked power ballads has to be “I Will Remember” by Queensryche. Everyone here knows I love Queensryche, but “I Will Remember” never gets much praise. If you don't remember (ha!), the song is from Rage for Order.

Does “Sister Christian” count? I like Night Ranger and I always dig singing along with the band in concert...but seems like people don't mention “Sister Christian” much when we talk about power ballads. So, I guess I cheated and selected two songs, but that's okay. You can too. Tell me, what are your choices for best overlooked power ballad? Please, no “I Remember You” on this list!


Duff McKagan Joins Axl Rose On Stage - Does It Matter?

Last night, Duff McKagan joined Axl Rose - and the rest of Guns n' Roses - on stage in London. The show was the first time Rose and McKagan shared a stage in 17 years. So what does it mean?

McKagan helped out GnR with a few tunes including "Nice Boys," "You Could Be Mine" and "Knockin' On Heavens Door." Of course, this performance immediately kicked all those GnR reunion rumors into high gear. Again.

I say, "not so fast."

Sure, anything is possible but maybe everyone is reading too much into this McKagan-Rose merger. Maybe everything wasn't as tainted between the two as we've been led to believe?

Axl has made it very clear he never wants a full-fledged GnR reunion because he doesn't like Slash. To be specific, Rose told Billboard "What's clear is that one of the two of us will die before a reunion and however sad, ugly or unfortunate anyone views it, it is how it is. Those decisions were made a long time ago and reiterated year after year by one man."

So, while Axl is apparently getting along with Duff now, I'm not getting my hopes up for much more. Axl has a new version of Guns now, and that's okay. He owns the name and the other ex-Gunners have moved along with their collective lives. I'm not saying I wouldn't love a reunion - and I think it would do gang busters in ticket sales - but I just don't have the faith it's going to happen. At least, happen anytime soon. I would, however, love to know the back story behind this Duff-Axl surprise performance. I mean, who called who? Was Sebastian Bach involved? I read online that Axl and Duff were staying at the same hotel and they sort of "bumped into each other." That seems far fetched to me, but whatever.

What are your opinions?