A Treasure Trove of Rare Glam Clips

Yesterday morning I slammed my foot right into the door jam while stumbling out of the bathroom. As you can imagine, this hurt. I went on about my day, which happened to involve a lot of walking, a photo shoot, the blazing hot sun, a mild electrocution (not me, someone else but I came to the person's aide via a sprint) and then more standing. On concrete. So, the toe from the morning flared back up and left me with a lovely swollen digit, which may or may not be broken. Considering I'm a runner, it sucks but it's a moot point because I'm running today regardless... but last night, I laid around with an ice pack... which brings me to this: a lovely YouTube find.
You know I love YouTube... well, last night I found a really cool clip of rare commercials, interviews and outtakes from our Glam heroes! RATT, Motley Crue, Aeromith, Hanoi Rocks and more are all here. Enjoy! I'm going to go ice my toe again...
Reader Comments (4)
And so is your toe! Hope it gets better soon!
Fun Fact: Humans break a pinky toe an average of 44 times in a lifetime.
Cool bits of video. Especially the Marc Bolan stuff.