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Bon Jovi, 'What About Now' -- New Song

Bon Jovi has a new song called "What About Now." The song is the first single from the band's upcoming album by the same name. What About Now will be out March 26, 2013.

Check out the song. Discuss.

Well, since the BBC pulled the song - here's a 30 second demo.

Reader Comments (24)

I think its a great song just like "Because We Can". Bon Jovi are the same dudes they were 25 yrs ago and won't give us Slippery When Wet Part II or New Jersey Part III. They are artists and want to grow and are in different places in their lives. I'm okay with that. I saw Bon Jovi 3 yrs ago in Seattle and it was one of the best concerts I've seen. If you don't like em, don't listen. I can't wait for the new cd and I love the message. Hope and faith play a more important role in my life than rock and roll all night, party everyday. Bon Jovi is still one of the best!!!
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBarry
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGeo2
BBC removed the song from here. Anywho, just reading the first post lets me know its more contemporary middle aged countryish crap. I don't want SWW II OR NJ II, I WANNA ROCK!

La guns, Kix, Accept keep the flame alive.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Hahaha!!!, KixChix: "L.A. Guns, Kix, Accept, keep the flame alive." Couldn't agree more. I wonder if Bon Jovi or the members of his band have any appreciation for those bands.

Still, you gotta hand him one thing besides "Slippery When Wet" --He did discover Cinderella, another band who's classic line-up survives intact.

I also appreciate Jon Bon Jovi's endless public service and humanitarian aid efforts in THIS country, where it's now so important as we continue to endure our slow recovery from the economic problems caused by two unpaid for, excruciatingly long wars and countless natural disasters.

As far as the song goes, I will get back to you because of what KixChix indicated -- it got pulled down, which happens from time to time, those bastards! I will keep Barry's perspective in mind when I watch it, as I have maybe unfairly disappointed with Bon Jovi's output ever since "Slippery".
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I heard it this morning before it got pulled. I thought it was very bland, generic and boring.

I was a huge fan up until the last couple of albums. The last one I listened to once. No interest at all in these songs. I am not saying they are terrible, I am just saying that I prefer songs that are more lively, with a bit of an edge - Have a Nice Day, It's My Life, to name a couple. Those are more up my alley.

So, even though I shelled out $180 bucks to see them yet again next month, I will only be looking forward to hearing their old tunes.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRita
Adult-contemporary garbage. Definitely not my thing.

I get that bands change, and people change, and if this is the type of music they want to make, more power to them. There's no rule that says Bon Jovi must make music like they did 25 years ago. And likewise, there is no rule that says we have to automatically appreciate what they do because their name is Bon Jovi.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBryon
why was the video pulled? i saw it this morn, too. thought it was a nice song.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrian L
Bon jovi stopped being relevant to me many years ago.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRed6ixx
The last new Bon Jovi album I got was the one with have a nice day on it, I'm not a fan of their newer stuff at all. I'm sorry its just my opinion. I didn't grow up and live the two albums I love, but ill keep crankin em out, Slippery When Wet, and New Jersey, this new stuff isn't doin it for me.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdj
But on another note...i might go see them in April, can I get your guys opinions, on how Bon Jovi is live, I would go only to hear the old stuff, so are they any good live? i've never seen them before
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdj

I think they are good live. Jon gives it his all. When I saw them a couple of years ago, they played for 3 and a half hours. No lie. He was worn out by the end but it really didn't show. They played lots of old stuff. I am hoping it is the same this tour. A couple of new songs (which I won't know) and lots of old goodies.

I don't think the new material is representative of what their shows are like.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRita
The song 'What about now' is not the first single from the new album...
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterZB
What about "Crushingly Dull"?

What ever happened to the guys who actually wrote good songs like "In & Out Of Love" & "On The Edge Of A Broken Heart"?

They got bored with playing rock, but still liked the paychecks, so they make a forgettable record every so often, to keep funding their arena football investments. Bon Jovi should hang it up. In fact, they should have called it a day after Crush.
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
MB, Bon Jovi is such a "celebrity", he has sadly forgotten his roots. You n I both know we can't look to Bon Jovi for rock n roll anymore.

MB you are the master at finding new gems out there. I'm stuck in the 80's but keep tryin to love new stuff.

Together BBG and its followers shall never grow old so long as the tunes are crankin'!
January 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
I will see them again when they come through the Pacific NW. I don't see him as forgotten his roots. He is being who he is. Some may call him a sell out but I can relate with him. I am not the same person I was 25 yrs ago, so why should I keep on living in the past. The right here and now is most important. That is why I can still relate to Jon Bon Jovi. If you can't, that is your loss.
January 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBarry
KixChix! Go to, scroll down the left bar to EBay Rarities, click on it and just go down the list and systematically click on all of the titles.

These are known as The Holy Grails of Hair Metal, rarely up on EBay and extremely hard to find though there are a few collectors scouring local Indy Record Stores, pawn shops and flea markets all over the country as some of the CDs trade for hundreds, even thousands.

The majority of them are from the 80's or Early 90's. For each one, jump over to YouTube. Surprisingly there are clips, sometimes even videos, of most of them. And you will be amazed at how many of them are available as free downloads through various sites which in the case of these rare gems, one could feel a lot less guilty about grabbing.

The reason on should experience little remorse in doing so is there is simply virtually no other way of acquiring them as they are rarely seen on Ebay and when they are, they are sold for big bux, of which the bands never see, obviously, as they are resale items.

Of course, not every one of them is great. Just because they are rare, doesn't necessarily make them great, but you will be pleasantly surprised as many of them are as good or better than many of our faves.

Also, for new music, keep your eyes peeled for the "Best of 2012" lists compiled by the site's editor and his cohorts. Those lists combined with those posted by the editor and staff plus the many commentors on this site will provide a fairly accurate picture of all the great music that came out last year.

What's more, Allyson and her cohorts, as well as many a commentor here are always flagging new albums or songs by new and recent bands as they debut, case in point the fantastic new Buckcherry song, "Gluttony" from their upcoming album.

There's really nothing to it to keep up with all the great music out there, both new and old, if one goes after it as described above. That's all I do. There's really no mystery to it.

So not only are you embarking on a quest to Bring Back Glam! when searching out music that's new to your ears, but maybe decades old, you are also doing the same every time you find new stuff that carries the torch of our cause!

Rock On!
January 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
What about That "Crushingly Dull"?

That about sums it up Ace.....
January 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Thank you so much metalboy! I will do this in spare time. If you can search out a band named keridian they have clips on cd baby and a MySpace page. Friends of mine in the early nineties were in this band. The farthest they made it was opening for Cinderella in like 92 or somethin'. They had a 4 song ep they were "shopping' around". Never made it, but had a lot of good parties are their house rental. Curious to hear what you think of them
January 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
I will check 'em out, KixChix. And I will see YOU at M3, along with many other BBGers! We should all meet on the lawn for a Hair Metal Picnic, hahaha!!!

p.s. Did Keridian press that EP as a CD back in the day?
January 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I wish I could edit my commentary.

I could pay homage to the Spinal Tap review of "Shark Sandwich" : 2 words, "Sh*t Sandwich"...

For this song, my minimalist review would read:
"What About NO"?

;) Ace
January 27, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele

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