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Vince Neil Swings and Misses

I'm on vacation right now, so the posts you've been reading this past week were pre-loaded. I am in paradise, so checking my email isn't exactly high on the priority list - but I try to glance at it once a night. Anyway, a good friend shot me an alert about Vince Neil. The alert was enough for me to stop my Hawaiian anniversary vacation and rush to a computer.

You see, Vince Neil attempted to slug a fan last Friday. Apparently the whole exchange was on TMZ as well. Anyway, some guy ticked Vince off and expletives were shouted and then Vince tried to punch the guy and he missed. Watch.

Reader Comments (32)

I'm sure the dude deserved it. Besides even the best drunk can avoid a punch by a small guy standing above him on a platform. He probably wishes he would of hit him, he could of got paid.

Sad part... this isn't even news, this isn't even worth reporting. Screw TMZ and if you watch it or even remotely care about it, then I pity you as Mr T would pity a fool. I'd be pissed for even one moment lost the beauty of Hawaii over rushing to a pc over this ?!?!
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
Violence is never "deserved." When do people stop defending Vince and his bad behavior? I guess the answer is never.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAllyson
My original post was gonna state, "What metalboy! says" even before I had a chance to read any comment, I was going to be the first one to post this aforementioned comment.

But now I am dumbfounded, actually appalled, by GNR's comments. Vince Neil (and while I'm at it, so does tommy lee) has an ongoing history of anti-social behavior- from killing and disabiling people in DUI crashes to beating up girlfriends and wives (plural), to mostly everything else in betweeen.

Just because we like and enjoy one aspect of a person does not mean we have to accept all facets of the person. When will "my" counterparts on this website wake up and realize that we must hold the "vince neil's" of the world equally responsible for their behavior in the same manner that we hold ourselves accountable.

Vince Neil was/is wrong. period. But, unfortunately, he gets away with it due to "his" status in the music community and people willing to accept his (mis)behavior.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Nobody "deserves" to get punched in the head. No mattter what. So agree with Allyson on that point.

But, like GNR said, I'm sure this guy did or said something to piss him off. Vince, being the "tough" guy that he is, apparently doesn't know how to express his emotions without resorting to violence. He obviously needs to grow up and learn to play nice.

I would love to hear the real story hear though. It almost looked like a set up to me.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRita
One way or another, hitting the people paying your bills does not make sense.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristian
one way or another, hitting anyone for any reason (other than self defense) does not make sense. And, even the self defense "defense" would need to be examined given the circumstances. Case in Point...if the fan jumped up on stage and pummelled vince who threw the first swing, I would say that the fan was also wrong.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
huge motley fan, huge vince fan, especially exposed and tattoos and tequila. but it seems every other week theres a video with him in a fight with a fan, i could care less now either way, they're paying his bills, lettin him live his dream, so why the hell hit em? maybe they deserved it i dunno.....
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdj
I saw Vince this fall doing a solo show. He definitely had a diva attitude. He kept holding the mic out during the second song, apparently we didn't fill in enough words for him. As he said "these f@#$ers don't know the words".
Then for some reason he left for three cover songs played by the rest of the band. I'll give credit to his backup band, which is 3/4 of Slaughter,they played there asses off. Vince is gonna put as little effort as possible.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaintman
So agree with Allyson. Even though I love the music so much, it does not mean you are allowed to behave whichever way you want to. Seriously, no one deserves to get punched, not even Vince.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndy
What Fletch says.
December 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
ILet me preface this by saying I love Motley,and have since 1983. okay, with that out of the way let me say,Vinny is,was,and always will be a lazy, steaming pile of shit. Now I see he's taking pilot lessons for another reality TV show. Guess killing people in cars isn't crazy enough for him anymore so he'll get drunk and down a plane,maim some innocent folks on the ground, and walk his drunken fat ass away like he always seems to do.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGary
Even though I am very much a peace-loving person these days, the old Jersey boy in me wishes that, as soon as vince took a swing at this guy, said guy then jumped up and gave vince the ass-beating of his life.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBob
I hear ya Bob. Judging by Vince's "swing", it wouldn't take a whole lot to kick his fat drunken ass either. I'm postive that my wife ( who grew up with 3 older brother's) could kick his ass judging by that punch he threw....LOL
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGary
I think the essence of my first post was lost along the way. Its not about defending Vince Neil for pete's sake, that's a lost cause. The essence of the post is that this isn't news. This isn't even worth a post on this site.

You have no idea what is being said in this video, if there are other circumstances, if there was previous history between the two in the night, etc. etc. Who's the guy ? Of course you all act like he's in the right because he paid to be at the show. No one knows the history or facts, just perception. But of course the jump to conclusion mat is out in full force when it comes to old Vince. You are all better than this !

And for paintman, I just saw Vince in October and it was very good. He left during the songs you talk aboutdto heaven forbid take a break and let his band jam. Isn't that rock n roll 101 ? Of which they had a killer good time blistering through 2 Zeppelin tunes. But instead Vince gets called lazy for taking a break during a show ? But once again its just guilt by association.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGNR
GNR: The essence of your first post was not lost along the way. You started off by typing, "I'm sure the dude deserved it." No essence lost in that statement.

As for your comments to paintman...I agree. A few times, I've seen vince leave the stage so his band can jam to LZ and I LOVE it. His solo band rocks, and to me, I consider it an extra privilege to hear them rock out w/o vince. I don't call vince "lazy" when he does this. I actually prefer that he does this during his solo shows as well as allowing the audience to "sing along" more than when he plays with motley. To me, it's a more intimate, meaningful relationship between artist and fan.

That being said, GNR, perhaps you can recall your first assessment of vince's punch (regardless of the dialogue). vince, in his status and position in the club that night, clearly could've (and should've) handled "any" situation better. Trust me, GNR...if you or I swung at a business associate of ours, we would find ourselves without business associates. And, if the fan was being a drunken jerk, there are MANY ways that vince could've (and should've) disffused the situation. period. vince was 110% wrong. period.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
oh and a shout out to Allyson in maui: "This must be just like living in paradise." -DLR
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I wasn't calling him lazy cause he took a three song break. He is lazy cause he can't sing most of the words to the songs. Sing alongs are fine but every song is a bit excessive. I enjoyed the three songs that were played by the band.
Now that I think about it, the extended break was likely was to rest his foot that was broken. Still does not excuse him not singing the words. Jeff Blando was covering for his lack of effort on vocals. It was still a fun show, you just have to go in knowing Vince is just there for a payday.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPaintman
no have to go in like "you're" there for the payday (your word, not mine).
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Neil is half-as*ing his solo shows.

I saw him with Crüe the Summer before last, when Poison opened for 'em, and he sang every word and he sang them well.

Solo, he sings every other word and, believe me, he duzn't need to go backstage for 3 songs. What a lard a*s! He could be performing great songs from his solo album, "Exposed", during the time wasted on "Slaughter" doing covers.
December 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Damn straight MB. I think "Sister Of Pain" is one of the best rock songs out there from the era.If that song doesn't get your foot tapping, you probably don't have a pulse or are 100% deaf.LOL (yet he avoids that whole album like the plague live,which never made any sense to me.)
December 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGary

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