I honestly believe decorum is nonexistent in today's society. In the past when someone was either gravely ill or injured, people were polite enough to share a few kind words. If the person had nothing nice to say, well, nothing was said.
When the news broke that Bret Michaels suffered a brain hemorrhage and was rushed to a hospital, I was prepared for the onslaught of panicked comments. What I wasn't ready for was the rash of downright nasty notes.
I'm not particularly talking to anyone here regarding this issue. Obviously if you're reading a website called Bring Back Glam!, you've got at least a modicum of respect for Bret and Poison. Deeper into the Internet, things were less than pretty. Oh sure, there are some genuinely concerned comments on other websites I won't name - and then there are just a ton of horrible jokes and mean spirited messages.
But why? There are reports Bret is stable and that's great and I hope he pulls through. I can't imagine never seeing Poison live again. But what if he doesn't? Wouldn't you feel pretty awful if you'd made some horrible off-hand remark about a man you didn't even know?
For all we know, Bret could be on his deathbed. I don't give a shit if you're not into Poison or Glam or metal period. Have some sense. Your parents raised you better than to talk harsh of the ill and if they didn't, well I'm sorry but that's no excuse. The crux of the matter is that the demographics of this website reflect an older readership. That means even if you had wolves for parents, you should be able to figure out right and wrong on your own by now.
I will not specifically mention the horrible comments I read because I am above them and reprinting them only reduces me to that base level. Real music lovers appreciate all sorts of genres but know when to keep quiet. Look, I don't like Hinder's music - everyone knows that - but I would never wish ill of any band member or make comments praying for their demise. Use common sense and compassion. It's perfectly fine to dislike a band or a new song or album - that's the discourse we love! Hate filled comments steeped in ignorance are what we ignore.
I hope Bret gets well soon. He's young, has kids and lots of fans that love him. Maybe he'll recover and take a little break from working so hard. That's a lesson for all of us.