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Entries from August 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021


August New Music Playlist

July didn't get a new music playlist because I was too busy dealing with my broken shoulder, but now we are back with some music that came out during my favorite month of the year. I can't believe it's the last day of August. I always get a little down this time of year because I know the time change and cold weather is just around the corner. That said, September and early October are usually okay weather-wise in southern Ohio. We also have some of the prettiest drives to peep changing leaves in the midwest.

Now to the playlist - the Ice Nine Kills track is a bonus. "Hip To Be Scared" is a single from the band's upcoming October album release. Since the single came out in July and there was no playlist for last month, I decided to share it today. Other artists include Night Ranger, Jack Russell's Great White and George Lynch. Enjoy!


'Believe' -- Station, New Song and Video

I've written about Station before. The band is from New York City and classify themselves as the "new wave of classic rock." Some of the hooks these guys produce are straight 1988 glam - just really good stuff. Station has just under two million subscribers on YouTube so folks are definitely catching on to them. The band has played Rocklahoma and M3, so maybe you've seen them live.

Station will release the album Perspective on October 8 and "Believe" is a track from that effort. A couple days ago, the band dropped the video for "Believe" and it gives me high hopes. You can preorder Perspective on BandCamp. Check out "Believe":

Want a power ballad? The band released the track "I Need You Red" from the album Stained Glass back in February.

Want those 1988 vocals I was talking about? Here's "A Matter of Time" also from Stained Glass.


News Of The Week Roundup: Week 34, 2021

So much news over the past week and especially today. Hurricane Ida is a massive category 4 storm. She is lashing parts of Louisiana today and will bring large storm surges and heavy rain to surrounding states. Watching some of the live cams, I fear for the folks who decided to stay in place. There is going to be widespread damage for sure. Hospitals in the south are already full because of COVID-19 and it's a confluence of bad events. Also, a reminder for folks since so many of us will be dealing with flooding rains far from the hurricane in the days ahead: do not drive your car through water. You can drown and your car will get destroyed too.

Federal resources (FEMA) and disaster declarations are already declared so hopefully people will start getting help immediately once the storm passes. The humanitarian airlift out of Afghanistan continues. Over the past couple of weeks, 113,000 Americans and SIV-Afghans have been flown out of the country. A bad situation turned worse when a member of ISIS-K detonated a suicide vest, killing American troops and Afghans. The violence just reinforces my opinion that it was time to leave Afghanistan... 19 years ago.

Today, President Biden went to Dover Air Force Base for the dignified transfer service of the remains of the troops killed in the suicide blast.

The U.S. fought back swiftly, launching a drone strike that killed the planner and associate of the deadly attack.

The Delta variant and low vaccination rates are two reasons COVID-19 is hanging around this summer. Case numbers are climbing all over the country, but the crisis point remains the south. Still, some states are reissuing mask mandates to try and stop the spread. Illinois is now under a mandatory mask mandate for everyone again.

Booster shots are coming for sure. It's just a question of when.

Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 and altered the course of history was granted parole and will be released from prison unless California Governor Gavin Newsom reverses the decision. Personally, I think it's ridiculous to let him out of jail. He should stay behind bars for life.

Actor Ed Asner has died. He played Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and then later on the spinoff Lou Grant. Such great television!

And I leave you with this:


'Cold Blue Steel' -- Tesla, New Video

Tesla has released a video for their song "Cold Blue Steel." It's kind of a cool track and it is definitely classic Tesla!

I heard back from technical support and there wasn't a good solution to the comments issue, so I pressed back and am hoping to hear back with more options. There are a couple things I can do but it would involve wiping out every comment on the site and I don't want to lose that history. So, the matter pends. More later.


A Note About Comments

I have received a few messages about the comments sections on each post. Apparently there is some issue that is keeping the comments submitted from showing up live. I have done a few tests and was able to get comments to show up. I am also having issues with my post scheduling, so these are problems I will have to dig into when I have a little more time this weekend. Thanks for your patience.

Also, in Glam news... KISS had to cancel their show last night because Paul Stanley tested positive for COVID-19. He is fully vaccinated - as is everyone in KISS and on the entire tour. Despite some reports, he is not in the hospital or ICU. Breakthrough infections happen. Stay safe out there, people!


The Cult Cancels Shows

Blame it on COVID-19 and the Delta variant surge. The Cult has canceled all upcoming shows. The band is going to try again in Spring 2022. There have been other notable cancellations the past few days including Garth Brooks. I expect to see more of this in the coming weeks ahead.


Oh, This Is Stupid

This might be peak 2021 stupid, and that is saying a lot considering the way the world is now. The dude who was the baby on the cover of the Nirvana album is suing the band, arguing the photo is child pornography. I guess we'll see how this plays out.