Ticket Stress

Scoring concert tickets can be very serious business - especially considering the outrageous prices, fees and usually (illegal) seating system.
This morning, I will attempt to buy presale seats for George Michael's first North American tour in 17 years. I predict hysteria when I log on to Ticketmaster. Sadly, my dear George isn't coming anywhere near Ohio - and when he does make his one Midwestern stop to Chicago I'll be en-route to Rocklahoma. This means planning an entire trip around a concert with tickets already priced in the hundreds of dollars.
Glam fans I am stressed. I think it sucks that seeing George is going to cost me an arm and a leg. It's bad enough paying for a plane ticket these days. The concert itself will break me. Still, I don't want to miss the opportunity to see George Michael perform "Freedom" live. You see, George has always been on my list of artists to see before I (they) die. I figure every die hard music fan has such a list. Other artists on my list include SIXX:AM and Eric Clapton. I recently crossed Van Halen with David Lee Roth off my list - and I'll be seeing them for the second time next month right here in Ohio.
So back to George and this trip planning. The fan club onsale is in a few hours. I still don't know which city I am going to, nor do I have a flight or hotel selected after I get the tickets. I'm appalled at how much everything costs these days. I mean, a can of soup is nearly two dollars! Milk and gas are nearly four dollars a gallon respectively. It's all becoming too much. I've complained about high ticket prices before - but something has to give. Festivals like Rocklahoma and South Texas are cheap compared to single act "big draw" shows. If you think about it - I'm getting four days of entertainment at Rocklahoma for the same price as spending two hours with George Michael!
I suppose I can preach all day long. Ticket prices won't drop and I'll still go to shows and buy merchandise because I support artists.
I apologize for the rant but I am plain exhausted and a little stressed on this Monday morning. Please, share with me your "must-see in concert" list.

Here's an update: I got my tickets! I'll be seeing George Michael from the 5th row in Philadelphia. I may need to sell a kidney to pay for this once in a lifetime experience...but whatever. You only live once.
Oh yes: the fan club presale sold out in just minutes. I count myself very lucky.