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Entries from January 1, 2008 - January 31, 2008


20 Years of Rock?

Thinking about all the glam bands that were just on the Motley Cruise and still performing regularly, I can't help but wonder if today's bands will be just as successful.

There is something about glam that gives an artist longevity. While the great music is one reason for the incredible staying power, another reason has to be the deep connection between fan and artist. Surpassing that connection is a sense of youth and fondness.

You already know I'm a big fan of Avenged Sevenfold. In fact, they are just about the only modern band I really enjoy. Their songs are technically difficult and impressive...but I wouldn't necessarily call the music fun.  Will the band still be playing 20 years from now? Doubtful.

I can't imagine that guitarist Synyster Gates will have the same dexterity needed to adequately perform the songs. While Eddie Van Halen can still wail a guitar, Gates needs a different form of dexterity to make his music sing.

I also don't think modern rock it Avenged Sevenfold, or Fall Out Boy, or whomever...has the right staying power necessary to keep fans interested for more than two decades. I don't think it's necessarily the music; rather it is the entire lack of a scene that allows fan building.

While MTV was hugely instrumental in cultivating bands and solidifying fans, modern acts no longer have this avenue because the channel refuses to play music videos.  

While modern bands still earn play on rock radio, a million different stations thanks to satellite channels make competition even more difficult.

So, do you think modern rock bands will still be playing for fans in the year 2028?







Thin Disguise

newwarrant.jpgWell, here we are.

Months and months of speculation, news tips right into Bring Back Glam!, gossip on Metal Sludge and more...The William Morris Agency is representing Warrant and has just issued this new photo.

I'm still skeptical. I don't think this is a permanent arrangement in any way. After all, half the band is denying the rumor and Jani Lane is excitedly fueling the fires. My guess is this: the reunited Warrant will play Rocklahoma and will also perform on the 2009 Motley Cruise. In fact, their name was mentioned as a band already asked to play on the party ship. If you're wondering, other bands mentioned by organizers are Queensryche and Tesla. I'm not really sure I can imagine Geoff Tate partying on the Lido Deck, but I guess you never know.

Will Warrant hit the road with Poison this summer? Probably. 

If you visit Warrant on Myspace, Jamie St. James is still listed as the band's lead singer - BUT, the band's official website has completely changed. There's just a front door of the Dirty Rotten Stinking Filthy Rich business ogre.

Get ready to hear "Cherry Pie" a lot this summer.  




Where is Lita?

lita.jpgDoes radio host Eddie Trunk know what he's talking about or is he just fueling the fires of the Rocklahoma rumor mill?

According to my very good friends on the Rocklahoma message board, Trunk recently said Lita Ford would be playing Rocklahoma 2008. I'm skeptical because Lita seems pretty happy in her retirement, but I definitely think her performance would be something to see.

Still, I'm unconvinced. Nothing points to a Lita performance...but if she does play, will we get a mini tour as well?

In the 1980s, Lita reigned as the queen of glam...then she sort of fell off the face of the earth. Was this her way of bowing out gracefully, or did she see the writing on the record label wall?

I remember reading a 1990 issue of Metal Edge and checking the criteria for the annual people's choice awards. People continually voted Lita as the best female artist and the magazine editors wrote something to the effect of "Lita is great but she hasn't released new material in a long time. Maybe you should pick someone different."

So, do we want Lita and more importantly...does she even want us? I don't think I have the answer to either question.


Motley Cruise Day 4

The final day of the Motley Cruise meant performances by Vince Neil and Skid Row plus a meet and greet with RATT and members of Slaughter.

First, the meet and greet.

It’s a shame that Stephen Pearcy has to be a jerk and ruin the fun. Right before the meet and greet a security guard told everyone that Pearcy wouldn’t be taking any photos – only singing autographs. Turns out, no one in RATT took any photos - presumably because of Pearcy’s rule. Well, I had nothing that needed autographed and I had nothing to say to Pearcy so I spoke to John Corabi and went on around the bend. There were other tales of Pearcy acting like a jerk during the cruise, too. Apparently, one Motley passenger told Pearcy she loved his music. His reply was something to the effect of “Good. Buy a CD.”

resizedallysonslaughter.JPGThis doesn’t sit well with me. First, the people who sailed during the Motley Cruise spent thousands of dollars for the opportunity to meet with band members and get photos. Second, Pearcy should be glad that people are still interested in RATT and his music. Third, a little tact goes a long way. I’m sure if I was quasi-famous, I’d get sick of being approached non-stop, but that goes with the territory. After all, it’s better to be a has been than a has never. Perhaps Pearcy should be grateful people still know the words to “Nobody Rides for Free.”

After Pearcy put me in a bad mood, I got a very nice photo with Mark Slaughter and Timbo of Slaughter. The photo didn’t really improve my mood but I was glad to see that Mark Slaughter is still pretty.

In an odd twist, Skid Row and Vince Neil performed in the middle of the afternoon. Skid Row sounded pretty good but there were times that Johnny Solinger’s voice was weak. The band played nine songs total, which included all the obvious hits like “18 and Life,” “Monkey Business,” “I Remember You,” “Slave to the Grind,” and “Youth Gone Wild.”

Skid Row (minus Solinger) also performed “Psycho Therapy” by the Ramones. This seemed pointless to me, but whatever. The song sounded good and I guess that’s all that matters in the end.

vinceconert_wm.JPGVince’s concert was set as the centerpiece of the entire cruise. The performance was marred by technical difficulties from the start. Somehow the audio went south between Skid Row and Vince. Jeff Blando’s guitar didn’t work at the beginning of the show, speakers were blown and feedback was common. As the show wore on, the sound got better but not before Vince was forced to play a guitar that barely worked. Per usual, Vince did not sing any of his solo songs. Here are some of the songs from the set:

Live Wire
Dr. Feelgood
Piece of Your Action
Looks that Kill
Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
Same Ol’ Situation
Whole Lotta Love
Rock and Roll
Kickstart My Heart
Girls, Girls, Girls
Wild Side

By the midpoint of the set, the sound had improved immensely and Vince seemed to be in a better mood. The crowd wasn’t nearly as rowdy as I’d expected. After all, at least three of my fellow Motley Cruisers were either thrown off the boat or put in “cruise jail” for bad behavior. I guess I was expecting people to be jumping from the balcony but most people stayed relatively calm. The fact that Vince was playing around 5 in the evening probably didn’t hurt.

I can safely say this is the most interesting cruise I’ve ever taken. It has also been the least relaxing by far. Sadly, it’s time to return to the cold chill of Ohio. I need to go home so I can recover!


Motley Cruise Day 3

allysonvincerezise.JPGKids, my mission of securing a photo with Vince Neil is complete. Notice I’m wearing a one of a kind Bring Back Glam! shirt just for the occasion.

After the vessel docked for Cozumel, Mexico it was time for a beach party. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so many people crammed into a Margaritaville restaurant before, but somehow it all worked. After a charity auction, some beer, and a bikini contest (and no, the glam mistress didn’t enter. Snickers aside) it was time for a special music guest.

vincemargaritaville_wm.JPGOf course the guest was Vince with Slaughter. Well, actually it was Vince, his backing band which is basically Slaughter and then Mark Slaughter jumping around on stage a few times and singing when the spirit moved him.

They played four songs:

Looks That Kill
Live Wire
Rock and Roll

slaughterwvince_wm.JPGAfter the concert I finally met Jacob Lynam and he is sweet as pie. Incidentally, he must be about seven feet tall because he completely crunched down for the photo and was still towering over me. Perhaps it’s the hair that gives the illusion of extra height?














Vince Neil and Skid Row perform today. More later!


Motley Cruise Day 2

We ported in Key West and Eric and I looked at a lot of overpriced clothes and laughed. Hard. Those poor shop people actually thought I was going to try on a pair of $300 jeans. They obviously don’t know me!

vincekaroke_wm.JPGAfter Key West it was back on the boat and another Jacob Lynam sighting. Glam fans, I panicked for whatever reason and didn’t introduce myself to him. Of course we’ve spoken on the phone, but I figure a formal introduction is a professional courtesy. I don’t know what came over me, but I just couldn’t tap him on the shoulder and say “hello.” Today, I hope to hunt him down as I’ve been cursing myself ever since my missed opportunity.

Heavy metal karaoke far surpassed my expectations. Yes, people are usually drunk when they karaoke but this was a whole other level. It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed that hard and then…Vince Neil jumped on stage! He sang ZZ Top’s “Sharp Dressed Man.” Before the music started, he said “I’ve never sang this before.” When he was done, it was all smiles again. Of course I wasn’t expecting a celebrity appearance, so I was sitting in the back of the room. Oh well.

lynamlive1_wm.JPGHours of karaoke later (and no, the glam mistress didn’t sing. She never sings) it was time for Lynam. The Alabama boys performed:






Giving Up On Rock n’ Roll
Tanis (Change Your Mind)
By Your Side
Slave to the Machine
Rock and Roll All Nite
Whitetrash Superstar
It’s All In Your Head
Left for Dead

I’ve already said dozens of times that Lynam is a great new band. Turns out they are also excellent live. In addition to being able to really play, Jacob can really sing. Actually, the whole power trio can sing, which is refreshing. If you ever get the chance to see Lynam, give them a shot.

Today, it’s time to meet Vince Neil!


Motley Cruise Day 1

What an odd world we live in.

cruepass_wm.JPGMy husband and I pulled up to the Miami cruise port, checked our bags and wandered for about two feet before seeing Evel Dick of Big Brother fame. I knew he was going on the cruise, but I didn’t expect to see him straightaway. Since Big Brother is one of my favorite shows – and I rooted for ED to win - I was very excited. Imagine my surprise when I ended up in line right behind him to check-in. I haven’t had my picture taken with him yet, but that’s coming – don’t worry.

If you’ve cruised, then you know the ships are like floating cities with thousands of passengers. To my surprise, I keep seeing the same few people over and over – including band members. I literally brushed by Vince Neil on my way to the bar (notice I said my way!) and have seen Jacob Lynam about 97 times. I also sat at the table across from Vince at dinner. I have to admit, watching the lead singer of Motley Crue drinking a Coke isn’t all that exciting.

strumslaughter_wm.JPGThe entire point of this vacation is the music and last night was Slaughter and RATT in that order. Eric and I got in line early and we waited…and waited…and waited for the doors of the theatre to open. I suppose it didn’t matter because somehow we ended up in the balcony which disappointed me a little. It’s a trade-off I suppose: better sound, or better pictures?

Slaughter sounded really good in my opinion. I thought Mark Slaughter sounded good at Rocklahoma but no one agreed with me then. Please believe he sounded even better last night. My pen died during their set, so I don’t have the full list but Slaughter did perform “Take Me Away,” “Burnin’ Bridges,” “Mad About You,” “Fly to the Angels” and “Up All Night.” The band also performed a new song; I believe it was called “Inside Myself” (don't quote me on that!). It was slower, but I enjoyed it well enough. Toward the end of the set, the band was having feedback issues, but no one really seemed to care.timbostrum_wm.JPG

A short intermission and it was time for RATT. I was ready to go in my “RATT & Roll” shirt, thank you very much. A new pen means a full set here. The band played:




Sweet Cheater
Walkin’ The Dog
Dangerous, But Worth the Risk
I'm Insane
You Think You’re Tough
City to City
Slip of the Lip
Wanted Man
Nobody Rides for Free
Way Cool, Jr.
Back for More
Lovin’ You’s a Dirty Job
Lack of Communication
Lay It Down
You’re In Love
Body Talk
Round and Round

pearcy_wm.JPGJudging by the length of the set, you can tell RATT played for well over an hour. This was cool, except the set was a little “gappy.” By that I mean Stephen Pearcy and company would play a song, then stand around for a minute to get back into position. At one point Pearcy said that last night’s performance was the band’s first show together in more than two months. In a lot of ways you could tell. Pearcy’s voice sounded o.k. at the beginning of the set…and sort of went downhill. To be fair, I think it rebounded a little toward the end, so maybe he was just tired. The stage banter was sort of getting on my nerves, but what can you do? I mean, there are only so many times Pearcy needed to say “Are you ready to party?”

Every time I see RATT live, I can’t help but wonder why none of the band members move. I am a John Corabi nut, but he stays on his side of the stage for nearly the entire set…and Warren DeMartini stays on the other side of the stage while Pearcy sort of jumps in the middle. The good news is that most of the feedback was gone during RATT and I was impressed by the concert volume. I probably would have forgotten I was even on a cruise ship except for the fact that the band members kept referencing it and the ship was swaying a little more than usual.

corabi_wm.JPGVince Neil stood to the side of the stage while Slaughter and RATT performed and he seemed to be having a good time. Then again, every time I saw him he was all smiles. At the end of the day, this cruise is a way to raise money for the Skylar Neil Memorial Fund. I’m sure Vince is pleased with the turnout for his charity.

Today I’m in Key West and I see Lynam at midnight. There’s also something called “Heavy Metal Karaoke” which sounds fun. Ah, the drunken debauchery.pearcydemartini_wm.JPG