Musical Serendipity

I interview a lot of musicians. The interviews are basically routine, consisting of a few questions surrounding a new album, song or tour and maybe something personal if the interview subject is so inclined.
It’s very rare that something either goes completely wrong or totally hilarious. Last night I was talking to drummer Herman Rarebell. He’s got a new album out and I’m going to feature him on Noisecreep. In the middle of the conversation, he casually mentions that Pete Way is sitting on his couch.
As in, Pete Way of Fastway and UFO and a slew of other bands.
Me: "Excuse me, did you just say Pete Way is on your couch?"
Herman: "Oh yeah, you want to talk to him?"
So, for five minutes I chatted up Pete Way. He had a bad case of the hiccups and he has a thick accent, so understanding him was interesting to say the least. He mentioned couch surfing despite owning a couple homes, being separated from his wife and working on new music with Rarebell and a chance meeting with Phil Mogg. It turns out Rarebell and Way saw Phil Mogg walking his dog! Neither Rarebell or Way knew Mogg was around so the meeting was completely chance. Of course, the musicians got together. Perhaps something new will come of that...who knows?
The incidence of Way running into Mogg was serendipitous. Me talking to Rarebell and getting hooked in with Way was also serendipitous.
So,this got me thinking: do you have any serendipitous stories as they relate to music? I’d love to hear them and I know you do. Some of you have amazing stories of meeting your music heroes while simply hanging out, going about your own business.