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Entries from February 1, 2008 - February 29, 2008


Hearts Burst Into Fire

bfmvalentine.jpgDo you listen to Bullet for My Valentine? The Welsh band is described as metalcore, but I think their new CD is on the heavier side of Glam.

I know, I know.

You came here today to read an article about Poison, Great White or maybe even my childhood. Today, I really want you to seriously consider giving Bullet for My Valentine a chance. Their latest effort Scream, Aim, Fire is honestly phenomenal. Yes, there are still a few "cookie monster" vocals, but overall, this album is full of Glam guitar solos. Read me: GLAM GUITAR SOLOS.

Don't take my word on this. Listen to this fan created clip of "Hearts Burst Into Fire." Go ahead, I'll wait. We'll chat on the other side of this clip. 


Pretty good, huh?

Scream, Aim, Fire just drips with influences by the likes of Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Guns n' Roses...and Poison. I can hear all those bands - and more - in "Hearts Burst Into Fire." I bet you can too. It's perfectly O.K. to resist. I was skeptical at first too, but Bullet for My Valentine - like Avenged Sevenfold - are different than other modern Metal bands.

The ironic thing here is that I bet every member of BFMV would loathe being grouped in with bands like classic Guns n' Roses and Poison. This just proves 80s Glam bands are still relevant, influencing new bands with great riffs and melodic harmonies.

I'll be seeing Bullet for My Valentine live next Friday night. I'll be sure to share my experience.  

Photo credit: Bullet for My Valentine via Myspace.  






Sixx vs. Werman, Bret Goes Bibliotheque

Well, well, well.

I'm in Glam news overload today. Tommy Lee says Motley Crue is hitting the road July 4th. Nikki Sixx has responded to nasty allegations by former super producer Tom Werman. If this isn't enough, an autobiography by Bret Michaels is on the way.

Oh what is a Glam girl to do?

Let's tackle Bret's autobiography first. Simon and Schuster will release the book in the fall. Like most rock autobiographies, I expect Bret to have help with the writing. I won't lie: I am interested in learning about the "unknown" history of Poison - if there is such a thing. Plus, I am sure there will be multiple chapters revolving around all of Bret's conquests from the Look What the Cat Dragged In Rock of Love. I wonder if Bret will share pictures of his wigs? At any rate, I predict a best-seller. I wonder if it's too soon to reserve a copy at my neighborhood Barnes and Noble?

Next order of business: the feud between Nikki Sixx and Tom Werman. The other day, producer cum bed-and-breakfast owner Tom Werman called The Heroin Diaries "totally deluded" and "stunningly inaccurate." Of course, this wasn't a verbal jab over a cell phone or even posted on a blog. Werman made sure his criticisms were the New York Times.

If you haven't read the Heroin Diaries, let me explain. In the book, Nikki says Werman didn't do the work contracted while in the studio during the Shout and the Devil, Theatre of Pain and Girls, Girls, Girls sessions.

There's a funny part in the Heroin Diaries where Nikki talks about wanting to read Werman's day planner. He eventually takes a peek and sees the most mundane aspects of life, like going to the doctor or dentist.

Anyway, nobody puts Nikki in the corner, so he issued a response to Werman's negative attack:

"Part of the process of recovery is being able to take responsibility for our actions. Sometimes it hurts but if you want to grow up, you have to take the hit.   In my diaries, I was able to expose my pain and showed what the bottom looks like through the eyes of addiction. I don't think I came out looking too pretty in my book but it needed to be exposed for others to understand that they are not alone. In fact, I even took the unprecedented step of including commentary by many of the people who were there at the time, including Slash, Vanity, Tommy, Vince & Mick to provide their own account (as I was using a great deal of the time, I thought it was necessary so that both the reader and I could trust what I wrote at the time was the truth). Is Mr. Werman also claiming that they are liars???

Tom Werman being worried about what I said in my book about him is just so narcissistic and self-centered.   I'm sorry if he got his feelings hurt but I feel that I was kind to Mr. Werman by withholding things from the book that would have jeopardized his marriage and his job security with Elektra at the time.  I was a lot more generous to him than I was to myself.   However, if Mr. Werman wants me to publish a complete accounting of the facts, I'll gladly write a nice short story in the form of a blog that will expose his actions during all the Motley Crue sessions that would make very interesting reading for his wife."
Nikki's response amuses me. It's like a little Glam soap opera. Who said what? Who made who? Oh..wait...
Speaking of Glam soap opera, Motley Crue is (apparently) ready to hit the road this summer. Evidently Tommy Lee is still in Motley Crue because he made the tour announcement on his blog yesterday. I'll admit I'm ready, but every time I get excited about a Motley tour or album, Nikki makes a statement saying all the other statements are false.
At this point, most Motley fans are skeptics. We take each announcement with a grain of salt. After all, there's no point in having our hopes dashed. Still, the more I hear about this tour and the album The Dirt,  the more I believe. 
Speaking of Motley Crue, today is the last day SIXX: AM will accept votes for their upcoming mini-tour. Click this link for more information.
So, what do you think about all this Glam news?  




Giuffria Reunion?


Does anyone here remember Giuffria? My friend Gerry Gittelson just sent a tip into the Bring Back Glam! newsroom saying the band is going to reunite. Apparently Gerry spoke with Giuffria drummer Alan Krigger, confirming the reunion.

Gregg Giuffria formed the band bearing his name  in the 1980s. He teamed up with singer David Glen Eisley, guitarist Craig Goldy, drummer Alan Krigger and bassist Chuck Wright. Goldy and Wright were replaced after the band's first album but my guess is a "reunion" means all original members.

The band released a self-titled debut in 1984 and had a minor hit with "Call to the Heart."

The twist here is this: I am sure everyone is thinking Giuffria is reuniting for Rocklahoma. If you are familiar with the band, you know Greg Giuffria also formed House of Lords - another band strongly rumored to be playing a stage at Rocklahoma. Here is my theory: House of Lords will play the mainstage and Giuffria will play a side stage. In some ways this is two bands for the price of one.

What do you think of a possible Giuffria reunion?

While you ponder that question for the ages, here are some obligatory video clips. Here's Giuffria performing "Call to the Heart."

Here's House of Lords "What"s Forever For"

One more question: which is the better band? I prefer House of Lords.


Glamnation Vol. 2


If you like Glam (and really, who doesn’t?) then you must buy Glamnation Volume 2. The latest offering by 272 Records provides 22 tracks by up-and-coming Glam artists. While Glamnation Volume 1 provided choice tidbits, Volume 2 is chocked full of music, make-up and excess. In short, this album is a winner.

The 22 bands and tracks look like this:

1. California Red (Danger)
2. Road Religion (Fables Last Stand)
3. Let's Rock (Kelly Fairchild)
4. Tenielle (Robot Army)
5. 90 Yeah! (The Sevenate)
6. Rock Crazy (Oney)
7. Chronical Tragedy (Bangkok Babes)
8. Two Souls In Love With Death (Internal Disfunction)
9. Hollywood (Sick Stars)
10. So Much Love (The Wings Of Love)
11. Exploited Teens (Decadent Daughters)
12. TrampQueen (Stripped)
13. I Am The Swagger (Turbo Lovers)
14. The Gang (Natural Born Rockers)
15. Heaven Tonite (Demons Alley)
16. Jody's On Junk (Kickstarter)
17. Crash N' Burn (Neon Knights)
18. T.G.I.F. (SHAM)
19. Innocense (Velvet Rose)
20. London (NextGo Pretty)
21. Mission To Rock (Hansel)
22. I'd Give It All To Make Her Mine (Aaron Morales)

So what are the best of the best? Without a doubt, Swedish rockers Danger show immense promise. This isn’t surprising considering all the best Glam these days is out of Sweden. Moreover, Danger’s track “California Red” actually sounds like an ode to the Sunset Strip.

Glam is found all over the world, sometimes even in the Midwest. Columbus, Ohio based Oney are cashing-in on the Glam resurgence and giving music another shot. The band released a debut album in 1989. Since that time, Oney struggled to find fame. Fast forward a few years and now the band is on the world’s largest reissue label Retrospect Records. Oney provides “Rock Crazy” for Glamnation Volume 2. If the song sounds authentic 80s, that’s because it is straight out of the Oney vault! Even better, Oney are rumored to be playing a side stage at Rocklahoma 2008 – the world’s only all Glam festival.

Demons Alley offer “Heaven Tonite” to the Glam gods. “Heaven Tonite” is definitely sleazy and utilizes punk influences, giving Demons Alley a distinct sound from other bands featured on Glamnation Volume 2. The band is currently looking for a record deal. Lead singer Pink has a unique tonal quality to his voice that should really give this band an edge. This is definitely one act to watch.

Glam is nothing without a power ballad. Aaron Morales sort of fills the bill with “I’d Give It All (To Make Her Mine). This song changes tempo frequently and has great guitar work to boot. Citing Def Leppard as a major influence, Aaron Morales and his band are setting out to bring back modern rock’s popularity to mainstream society.

For more information on all the bands featured on Glamnation Volume 2 please visit 272 Records on Myspace



The Boneyard


I now know the wonders of satellite radio. My goodness, I love XM! The Boneyard is just about the best radio channel for Glam fans.

My husband bought - and installed - my the satellite radio out of guilt. Now, I have hundreds of channels at my fingertips.

I can't believe I waited this long to join the satellite radio revolution. I always thought the service too expensive - not true! The unit was dirt cheap and the monthly rate is very reasonable. It is definitely worth it for someone like me who lives and dies by music.

I listened to The Boneyard for the first time yesterday afternoon. The very first song I heard - period - on my new unit was "Looks That Kill." Coincidence? I think not.

Catch the Fever - otherwise known as the Rocklahoma organizers - are very wisely using The Boneyard to stream their line-up announcement press conference on March 4. Yes, I'll be listening. You see, that press conference was the entire catalyst for my satellite radio. I was invited to attend the press conference at the Whisky A Go-Go in Los Angeles. Sadly, there was no way I could fly to L.A. in the morning, attend the press conference, blog the event, then fly home that same night. Those sorts of extravagances are not in this working-class girl's budget. I won't lie: I was devastated. You have to be invited to that press event. I felt sort-of special.

So, thanks to the guilt, I have satellite radio and I can listen to the line-up announcement just as it happens. As soon as I hear the bands selected to play Rocklahoma 2008, I'll post them here in (almost) real time!

Back to the Boneyard. My Glam goodness, I would like to work for that station. Too bad I've already worked in radio and I know everything is automation and low pay. Still, I think it would be great fun to be a program director of an all Glam radio station. How hard could it be? You just roll out of bed, program your Audio Vault to play Motley Crue, Steelheart and Poison and you're good to go. What a life.

Eddie Trunk has a radio show on The Boneyard every Monday night. I might tune in and give it a chance. 

Turns out, The Boneyard sometimes has musical acts perform live on the air! Here's Kix playing "Blow My Fuse."


So, do you have XM or Sirius satellite radio? The big question: do you think such channels are helping to Bring Back Glam? 


Ooh...She's A Little Runaway

runaways2.jpgWelcome to the very first edition of Bring Back Glam! by request. A lot of you are big fans of The Runaways. Regular reader Joe has even posted a petition on the Message Board asking for your help getting the legendary all-female band into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

I figure most people are pretty familiar with The Runaways, but if not, here's a little background information. The Runaways were formed in the 1970s. The band featured a slew of different members including Joan Jett, Sandy West, Micki Steele, Lita Ford, Cherie Currie, Vicki Blue, Jackie Fox and Laurie McAllister. Of that list, Joan Jett and Lita Ford enjoyed quite successful solo careers after The Runaways and Micki Steele joined the Bangles (and yes, I loved the Bagles when I was a kid!)

 At any rate, The Runaways toured a lot in Europe and opened for some pretty big bands including Cheap Trick and Van Halen. Their self-titled debut is considered a classic among fans of chick rock - and their passion helped break the glass ceiling for women in music. At the time of their arrival on the scene, it was pretty common to hear a female soloist sing ballads or even disco, but rock was just about out of the question.

After the self-titled release, The Runaways released Queens of Noise in 1977. I can't think of a better album name for a group of women who can outplay most men.  The band forged on and made another record after line-up and management changes. There is a lot of documented drama between members of The Runaways and manager Kim Fowley. Looking at history, I think it is sad the band couldn't come to more agreeable terms with Fowley.

All told, The Runaways disbanded in 1978. If they had hit the scene in, say, 1982, I think they would have enjoyed greater popularity. After all, Vixen wishes they were as important as The Runaways.

Here are a few videos of The Runaways. Watch the clips then sign the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame petition over on the Message Board.  I want the band to get inducted just to see if Lita Ford comes out of hiding for the night!

Here are backstage clips set to "I Love Playin' With Fire."

Here's "Wasted" on the Old Grey Whistle Test:


Beautiful Creatures at Rocklahoma

beautifulcreatures.jpgIt seems Rocklahoma is expanding from a strictly 80s format. Pollstar now confirms that Beautiful Creatures will play sometime on Saturday during the festival.

If you are not familiar, Joe Leste formed Beautiful Creatures in 2000. You might recall Leste played Rocklahoma last year with Sunset Strip band Bang Tango. In a recent Rolling Stone article, Leste was featured in a full-page spread.At one time DJ Ashba was in the band. I'm sure this connection will immediately lead to rumors that Ashba will play a few songs during Rocklahoma.

At one time the band was on Warner Brothers Records. Beautiful Creatures only released two albums, but with this appearance at Rocklahoma and rumors of a European tour, I think another album is probably in the works.

Here's the video for "Wasted." It's pretty hot.