This Is Stupid, But Still...

Ok, I honestly don't know hardly anything about the Kardashians. I know Kim is married to Kanye West... and Bruce Jenner is now Kaitlyn... and Kris is the mom. That's it, my entire knowledge of the Kardashian clan, a group of famous people for seemingly no reason other than they know how to work photographers. Apparently two of the younger ones are named Kylie and Kendall. They have a clothing line and decided to put their faces on T-shirts of classic bands. This was NOT well received. And when I say bands, I'm talking big ones like Metallica and Pink Floyd. So anyway, for $125 you can buy a shirt with a Kardashian over top of a classic band logo. I don't know why anyone would want this, but whatever. It did cause a large outcty.
Look, I don't judge if you enjoy an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians but they don't belong anywhere near a metal show and I certainly don't need to see one of their faces over top of an iconic rock band's logo, you know? Literally nothing is sacred anymore. Sharon Osbourne has a great response for the Ozzy shirt:
Girls, you haven’t earned the right to put your face with musical icons. Stick to what you know…lip gloss.
— Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne) June 29, 2017