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Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


Wait, Halford is Doing a Christmas Album?

Rob Halford of the mighty Judas Priest is ready to release another solo album - of holiday tunes. Seriously.

The album, to be called Halford III - Winter Songs will include some traditional holiday songs as well as some originals. The backing bands consists of Roy Z.  on guitar, Metal Mike Chlasciak on guitar, Mike Davis on bass and Bobby Jarzombek on drums. 

Every regular reader here knows I despise holiday music - it's generally too saccharin for my taste - but I may be interested in this. Any holiday album with Halford and Metal Mike *must* be heavy. Two of the songs, "Get Into the Spirit" and "We Three Kings" are available for purchase now, but I think I'll wait for the entire disc. Click to buy and read more about the album.

Winter Songs is available October 26th.



Make Me a Heavy Metal Workout Playlist

Bring Back Glam! regular reader Kari and I were just talking about needing new workout playlists. I tend to mix genres for my workout music: an even dose of Metal, pop and hip hop. No matter what, the tune must have a driving beat.

So, what do you listen to when you sweat it out? I need an hour long playlist - at least 10 tunes. I'd love if you shared some of your favorite Metal workout tunes (and yes, non Metal also accepted)! Feel free to leave your list right in the comments section. This should create a lively debate.



I Finally Got the New Vains of Jenna, but...

I finally got the new Vains of Jenna CD The Art of Telling Lies. Here's the rub: I feel too crappy to really enjoy it or review it for today's post. Hopefully a solid night of sleep - or antihistamines - will make me feel better and I can review the disc tomorrow. I'm very excited about it. The first single "Get It On" has a ton of promise. So, here's the video for the single and the review is coming.


Happy Birthday George Lynch!

I've got that "Wicked Sensation!" Truly, a great song by Mr. Scary himself.


Let's Market Every Band to Death!

As if Aerosmith-themed scratch off lotto tickets are not lame enough...the commercial pimping them is even worse. Good Glam, a bizarre version of Steven Tyler singing "Dream On" while a fish swims in a tank, jumps out and drives a car to the nearest lotto seller? WTF?

Bands will lend their precious brand to anything these days. You know, some things really do go with rock: beer, musical instruments, ripped jeans. Hell, even condoms. But lotto tickets? And KISS with their Mr. Potato head dolls and Motley Crue songs featured in movie trailers at films geared toward kids and on and on and on. To a point, I really support all of this because it broadens the fan base for the bands we love. Still, I do think there's a point at which something becomes so diluted, it's no longer special.

When I was a teenager, I stopped dead in my tracks any time I saw any member of Aerosmith on TV. If there was a review or feature in a newspaper or magazine, I got so excited. So much over exposure from endorsements has sort of diluted my excitement.

I dunno. Maybe I'm just embarrassed Aerosmith allowed their image and logo to be used on Rhode Island scratch-offs. Here's that lame ass commercial I mentioned:




Let's Share Our Own Music! 

I write about famous musicians all the time, but what about the rest of us? We all have talent, right? My good friend and regular BBG! commentator Christian is big into playing his guitar. Recently, he got really involved with a band at his church down under and he started writing some songs. So, he tapes one of the jam sessions and puts it on YouTube. Anyway, Christian was nice enough to share the songs with me. They are "religious Metal" - totally not my thing - but I give Christian and his band props because they put themselves out there, staying true to their beliefs. That's Metal.

So, I asked Big C if it would be OK for me to share his clips and he agreed. If you've got a band and like to record your jam sessions, send an email to I'll check out your work and maybe you'll see it here someday!

"Power of God:"

"Pledge Your Allegiance:"

"Fade to White:"


I Can't Believe I'm Looking Forward to the 'KISS Korner'

I despise Wal-Mart. Basically I regard the company as an evil empire that I am sometimes forced to enter out of dire necessity. So, KISS will release Sonic Boom on October 6 exclusively through Wal-Mart.

Of course.

Here's the rub - Wal-Mart stores across the country are about to roll out so-called KISS Korners with a lot of crap I want. Sadly.

So what sort of KISS crap will Wal-Mart offer Glam lovers like me? Here's a list (courtesy of Blabbermouth):

* KISS "Sonic Boom" CD/DVD package - $12
* KISS T-shirts - $5
* Four select KISS Mr. Potato Head collectibles (The Demon, The
   Spaceman, The Catman and The Starchild) - $10
* KISS fleece blanket - $10
* KISS M&M candies (7 oz. bags - Limited Edition) - $6
* KISS catalog CDs such as "Dressed to Kill", "Destroyer", "Love Gun" and "Very Best of Kiss" — $5 - $9
* KISS makeup kits, masks and wigs (select Wal-Mart stores*) - $5


I want the CD/DVD combo, a T-shirt and the M&Ms for sure. M&Ms are my favorite candy, so I'll get swept away in the KISS hype. Gotta say that six bucks a bag is a bit steep for some basic candy, but oh well. The T-shirt is dirt cheap, so I guess it evens out.

So will you hunt down a KISS Korner?