Up and Down Sunset

Do bands still make cool flyers to promote shows like back in the day? I don't mean the odd poster printed by a label to promote a big-scale tour. I mean those small, handmade flyers that were once the calling card of Glam bands.
Man, seeing old flyers is like a blast from the past. I was never old enough to truly enjoy Glam in its heyday (and by truly "enjoy" I mean walk up and down the Sunset Strip with a mane of teased hair wearing some fishnets). Anyway, when I see a homemade poster by a band I instantly think of 80s Glam. Back then bands had to be smart to play. They were hungry, and I don't just mean for fame. They were literally broke and starving! Those copied posters helped bring fans into the doors - and pay for beer, er - dinner.
I always thought it would be cool to have a bunch of framed vintage Sunset Strip flyers displayed as art. I know there are people out there that had the piece of mind to grab Motley Crue and Poison flyers from way back before either band was famous. Talk about a great collector's item. I'd guess they would be worth even more if the staple holes were visible. After all, most bands just stapled hundreds of flyers to telephone poles up and down Sunset.
Maybe the reason we don't see as many homemade flyers these days is because 1) they are no longer cheap and 2) there are probably rules against tacking items to telephone poles. I'm pretty sure that in Ohio, you can't just post stuff up willy nilly anymore. After all, there are laws against just about everything these days.
Are you lucky enough to have any classic Sunset Strip flyers?