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Entries from December 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008


ClassxRadio - Listen!

My friend JT has a killer radio show called Hard Rock Nights. The show airs Saturday nights (tonight!) at 9-11 p.m. eastern. JT plays all sorts of songs we love...while reflecting his own unique taste in Glam and Metal.

Oh, and JT takes requests, so feel free to click the links and send him some song suggestions.

Last week, JT played songs from Bon Jovi, Lita Ford, Joe Satriani and Trixter [and no Hinder]. I don't know what he's got planned for tonight, but I bet it's good. Be sure to tune in and give him some Glam love.



You wish you were as cool as Damone.

The band has sweet guitar riffs, heavy bass lines and a chick singer! Make that a chick singer with dark hair.

Damone formed a couple years ago around Boston. After some hard work they ended up on the Island label. I have to say I found Damone by a fluke. I was clicking through Myspace pages. Click, click, click until I come upon someone or something I don't know. The band had a song featured on Madden 2007 which helped make them sort of famous. (I looked that up by the way. I never play video games). They've had some songs on soundtracks too...and I imagine they are popular with the kiddies.

Anyway, I bought the album Out Here All Night, featuring the song "Outta My Way" which Damone wrote about Poison. Not every Damone song is overtly Glam. There's alternative and nu-metal here too. Some other tracks I dig on Out Here All Night are "You're the One" and "What We Came Here For."

The main thing is that the songs just don't suck. I can't be any more blunt than that. Quite frankly, I'm sick of music sounding the same. It's like with every new album I feel like I've heard it all before. Maybe that's just what happens after you've listened to so much music. At any rate, discovering Damone was an unlikely lifeline. I'll take Damone over a lot of bands any day - and yeah, that sure as hell includes the posers Hinder.

Here's "Out Here All Night"

Here's "What We Came Here For" (live)

Photo credit: Via Damone Myspace. No copyright assumed.


I'm Like a Ringleader, I Call the Shots

I'll be posting my list of the best albums of 2008 next weekend. One that will surely make the cut is Circus, dubbed Britney Spear's official comeback record.

Circus came out earlier this month - it's been in constant rotation on my iPod. The album is definitely Britney's best work: truly mature dance music. Yes, I like some dance music - no, it's not all bad. When you think about it, pop and dance music encompass a lot of the cornerstones of Glam: over-the-top videos and big stage shows. There are scantily clad women - and pounding drum lines. If you're open-minded, maybe you'll give Ms. B. Spears a shot. The world is bigger than your backyard, Poison and the Sunset Strip. Just saying.

Here's the video for "Circus"

Britney Spears "Circus" -new music video

Here's the video for "Womanizer"

Britney Spears Womanizer

Let the hate mail begin. I always love the nasty comments when we veer a little left of Motley Crue.


Hinder Live Review

Monday night I attended the Dayton stop of the Jagermeister Music Tour featuring Hinder, Shindeown, Trapt, Rev. Theory and Red. As you already know, I had the tickets as a make-up show from a previously canceled event.

I should have eaten the ticket cost and stayed home and worked.

First, a word about the concert venue. The show was held at the Nutter Center on the campus of Wright State University. I've decided I absolutely despise seeing shows at the Nutter. The sound is just terrible and I'm sick of being manhandled before I even get in the door. Apparently, promoters were expecting a tough crowd as there were giant blinking signs everywhere warning against guns, knives, spike jewelry, moshing and...nudity.

When I was nearly strip searched at the door, I found myself longing for the ever-happy TSA workers at the airport. Then, a security guard of some sort rifled through my purse, looked at all my belongings and forced me to throw away a pack of M&Ms. It's not like I was planning on eating the candy during the show - but give me a break. Next time I'll try to smuggle in some acid. Clearly, M&Ms are far more offensive than drugs. Glam knows enough people around me were smoking pot.

Anyway, Eric and I went to the show and we missed Red and half of Rev. Theory. I've seen Rev. Theory before - at last summer's Rock on the Range festival. They were better then.

Trapt performed basically the same set as during Crue Fest. I actually liked them better at Crue Fest. Remember, I already said the sound was horrid inside the Nutter Center. This didn't help the bands in my eyes.

Eric was excited to see Shinedown and I'll give the band credit: they were the best of the night. Someone on their crew had enough sense to turn down the over-modulated sound. Anyway, the band has three albums - and they played sounds from each. Lead singer Brent Smith talks a lot from the stage. So much, in fact, I think the band could have done another song and skipped the stage banter. I've never understood the point of endless chatter, but it is what it is I guess. At any rate, I liked some of the guitar riffs in the songs and I'll be getting the Shinedown albums.

To all of you who said "You will love Hinder after you see them live" you are wrong. You know what? That's o.k. I don't need to like every popular band with even a bare hint of Glam influence. You can! That's the beauty of subjective art. I don't like Hinder. I don't get them or their songs and their live show was just bad. Now, again, let me say the sound was horrible so that's not on the band. It's hard to sound good when audio is bouncing against every wall, creating chaos.

Now, Austin Winkler's voice makes me crazy. It's raspy, but not in a good way. It was also completely shot Monday night, so it's possible Winkler was sick. At any rate, I'm not the only person that was unimpressed. I personally witnessed many people leaving, saying "They were awful" or "What a disappointment." The band performed all the suspected songs and opened with their newish single "Use Me" complete with dancing girls, a la Motley Crue. Too bad Motley Crue does it better.

I just have nothing else to say. I could have skipped the show but I didn't. I went with an open mind and I still don't like Hinder. It doesn't matter I suppose. I have to see them again in February with Motley Crue. Maybe they will be better. I'm not holding my breath.







Diverse Bands Join Rock Gone Wild Including Candlebox, Saxon and the Gypsy Pistoleros

ALGONA, IOWA (December 16, 2008) - Four days. More than fifty bands. Two stages. Multiple genres of rock. It's time to get wild. Workaholics Candlebox will rock the main stage at Rock Gone Wild. British Metallers Saxonand the Gypsy Pistoleros have agreed to cross the pond just to party with you at the festival. Rock Gone Wild is slated for August 20-23, 2009 in Algona, Iowa. Tickets are available now by visiting


Forming in the early 1990s, Candlebox immediately broke from their Seattle brethren. While many bands from the region followed the grunge path, Candlebox made their own way. Blending modern sound with classic guitar rock, Candlebox created their own unique sound - and gathered an army of fans along the way. The band's self-titled debut became a near instant success, spawning several hit singles including "Far Behind" and "You." Candlebox are currently supporting their newest hit album Into the Sun, released earlier this year. Candlebox is Kevin Martin (vocals, guitar), Peter Klett (guitar), Scott Mercado (drums), Adam Kury (bass) and Sean Hennesy (rhythm guitar).

Leading the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, Saxon formed at the end of the 1970s and created a signature sound that new bands still attempt to imitate today. Saxon released their self-titled debut in 1979, but it wasn't until 1980 and Wheels of Steel that the band really began to take hold. Since the early years, Saxon has weathered several lineup changes and continued to tour heavily and record new music. Lead singer Biff Byford has remained a constant force in the band, bringing a balls out in-your-face Metal show to each and every paying customer. Be warned! Stand close to the stage when Saxon plays and you will be rocked. Saxon is Biff Byford (vocals), Doug Scarratt (guitar), Paul Quinn (guitar), Nibbs Carter (bass) and Nigel Glockler (drums).

The Gypsy Pistoleros are the world's greatest flamenco glam band! If you've never seen the Gypsy Pistoleros perform live...get ready: you'll never be the same again. The band is a mix of Brit charm, Spanish flavor and glam swagger.Lee Pistolero (vocals), Iggie Pistolero (guitar), Nasty Pistolero (bass) and Harri Pistolero (drums) are the Gypsy Pistoleros.


Bands already announced for Rock Gone Wild include Puddle of Mudd, Saliva, Skid Row, Tantric, Kix, Great White, Hardcore Superstar, Saigon Kick, Tigertailz, Lizzy Borden, Dangerous Toys, Helix, Rhino Bucket and Junkyard with many more to come!


Visit and each Tuesday for a new band announcement.


Rock Gone Wild will take place at the Freedom Park festival grounds, located at 2507- 160th Avenue in Algona, Iowa.


If you build it, they will rock.





Do you ever pay attention to that section on YouTube called "Recommended for You?" Well, I just happened to click...and I found a few videos I hadn't seen in ages!

We never talk about D'Molls around here. Could be because they didn't get very famous. No matter, I like their music - and I bet you do too. The band only made three albums and couldn't really cross over to stardom...but the video for "777" did get some decent rotation on MTV. The concept isn't unique - it actually reminds me a lot of Danger Danger's "Naughty Naughty" clip. No matter - the song, video and band are straight up Glam. Enjoy.


So I'm Seeing Hinder and Shinedown Tonight

Actually, make that Hinder, Shinedown, Trapt, Rev Theory and Red.

I have so little desire to see this show I actually forgot about it. Seriously.

I was grocery shopping last night and Eric mentioned the show. I blinked at him. I've never forgotten about a concert in my life.

Until now.

I've never dreaded a concert in my life. Until now.

Why am I going? Because the show is a make-up date from X-Fest which was originally set for September. X-Fest featuring Avenged Sevenfold and Buckcherry I might add. Days before the show, Avenged Sevenfold had to cancel because of illness. I was o.k. with this because I was still going to see Buckcherry. Day of the festival there was a massive weather event in Dayton, Ohio and the entire event was scrapped.

Fast forward to today and the make-up gig.

So, I paid for a concert I'm not seeing...but I'm seeing, if that makes any sense. I'm trying to get pumped, because I do love live music...but I'm so swamped, I really needed the evening to work.

Notwithstanding that my actual job (you know, the thing that pays the mortgage and the hosting for Bring Back Glam!?) is insane right now. There's also the matter of Rock Gone Wild, Christmas, transcribing two interviews for this site, cutting a "best of 2008" show for Metal Express Radio and so many other things I seriously get chest pains thinking about it all.

More than likely, I'll post a review of the show tomorrow.

Shinedown "Devour"