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Entries from January 1, 2009 - January 31, 2009


Fattest Bass Line in Rock?

Yesterday Eric and I took a little afternoon trip down the highway to IKEA. I mean, it is the Glamest home store on the planet as all the furniture comes from Sweden. Anyway, I had extended time to listen to Hair Nation in the car. Ozzy came on and I didn't think much of it: until I really starting dissecting "No More Tears."

I own "No More Tears" on CD. I've heard the song a million times. It is possible, however, that I've never really listened to the song until last night. As I sat in the car, focusing on the song, I realized that "No More Tears" just might win the award for having the fattest bass line of any rock song - period. Actually, "No More Tears" has some awesome guitar solos too. There are times when the solos end so abruptly I can't help but wonder if the producer was a little "clip happy" but other than that, I'd say the track is basically perfect.

Before "No More Tears" started blaring from my car's speaker system, the Hair Nation DJ mentioned Ozzy has a new album coming this year. How can Ozzy release a new album when the man can barely talk? That question aside, I'll be interested to see if the guitar work is as good on the new tracks as some of the old ones. Black Rain was pretty good - but no track on that disc holds a candle to "No More Tears."

So, do you agree? Does "No More Tears" have the fattest bass line in all of rock? Can you trump my selection?


Better Logo?

I was thinking about band logos a littlelast night. It dawned on me that 80s Glam bands had some of the best logos of all musicians. I don't know if it was the Metal, the time period or just a fluke - but it just doesn't seem like modern bands/artists have impressive logos.

That said, I've been trying to determine which Glam band has the single best logo. (Notice I say Glam. If I just said "best rock logo" I'd easily pick Aerosmith). Of course, such decisions are subjective but I think I've got it narrowed down to two bands: Def Leppard and Crashdiet. Now, I know there is some (small) debate over Def Leppard's Glam status. I consider them 100% Glam because of their hugely popular 80s sound and influence on other bands.

Anyway, I can't think of a Glam band that has a more recognizable logo than Def Leppard. I mean, their brand image is instantly recognizable which is hugely important in today's over-saturated music market. Having a great logo didn't help Def Leppard create a great album in Songs from the Sparkle Lounge but I bet it did help sell a few extra shirts during the recent tour. I have several Def Lep shirts - all because of the awesome logo.

From the modern era of Glam, there really is no contest when it comes to logos: Crashdiet takes the cake. In a lot of ways, the Crashdiet logo is very similar to Def Leppard's brand. There are hard-shaped letters, smushed together in just the right way to create a brand synonymous with a certain type of music. While I often think of Glam as "inclusive welcome-to-the-party Metal" the logos of both Crashdiet and Def Leppard juxtapose this idea. The hard edges of the letters symbolize the danger of Metal - the closeness of the letters welcome listeners to the fun. I highly doubt the band members had such symbolism in mind when the logos were originally created - but it's possible such ideas were subconscious.

So, which logo is better: Def Leppard of Crashdiet...or some other band? Why?



Pure. Glorious. Glam.

So I was flipping through YouTube last night while my husband watched bowl game...after bowl game...after bowl game. (Glam aside: how is it possible to watch 17 back to back football games? I don't get it). Anyway, I was looking for some vintage Glam clips to share with you on this post-holiday season Friday. I'll call this "hangover Friday." Not because I've had too much to drink - because I haven't - but because the holidays tend to turn schedules and the world upside down. So, while we're all getting back to normal routines, I thought some vintage Hanoi Rocks was in order. This clip is amazing! Sweaty Michael Monroe belting it out, 1983-style.

Watch and pray to the Gods of Glam.


Start Me Right in 2009

Happy new year and welcome to 2009!

Like the title of this article says, get me started right in 2009. I have $35 sitting in my iTunes account, just ready for me to spend. What should I buy? (And yes, I already own the new Shinedown. I know some of you have mentioned that disc over the past few days – rest assured, I have it on my iPod already).

Remember, if it’s classic Glam, there’s a 99% chance I already own it – so I’m looking for either newer bands or the obscure. Something I can really enjoy over my next few days off from work.

Please don’t suggest Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Poison, Alice Cooper, Van Halen or Def Leppard – I’ve already got it!

I want some really heavy Metal, too. You know, for those rage-filled days.

I thought a new year would be the perfect time to start with some new bands I don’t already know. This is a resolution to rock to some new guys (and gals!)

I have other resolutions too – all of which should be broken by January 3 at the latest. Care to share resolutions? Mine are to work less, spend less money on music (and since the $35 was gifted it doesn’t count!) and to relax more.

We’ll see how I do.



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