Fattest Bass Line in Rock?

I own "No More Tears" on CD. I've heard the song a million times. It is possible, however, that I've never really listened to the song until last night. As I sat in the car, focusing on the song, I realized that "No More Tears" just might win the award for having the fattest bass line of any rock song - period. Actually, "No More Tears" has some awesome guitar solos too. There are times when the solos end so abruptly I can't help but wonder if the producer was a little "clip happy" but other than that, I'd say the track is basically perfect.
Before "No More Tears" started blaring from my car's speaker system, the Hair Nation DJ mentioned Ozzy has a new album coming this year. How can Ozzy release a new album when the man can barely talk? That question aside, I'll be interested to see if the guitar work is as good on the new tracks as some of the old ones. Black Rain was pretty good - but no track on that disc holds a candle to "No More Tears."
So, do you agree? Does "No More Tears" have the fattest bass line in all of rock? Can you trump my selection?