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Entries from July 1, 2010 - July 31, 2010


Third Generation of Classic Rock?

Is Glam the third generation of classic rock?

Let’s think about this for a minute. The Beatles and The Who are classic rock. They formed in the 60s. Aerosmith and AC/DC are classic rock. They formed in the 70s. That’s two generations. Get into the late 70s and early 80s and you’re talking about Def Leppard, Van Halen and Motley Crue.  

I’m torn about all this. I mean, I definitely want my beloved music to be recognized as important – historic even. I’m just not sure I’m ready for it to be blasted on commercial radio under the “classic rock” banner. That just seems to scare kids and immediately turn them off. Not that I was that way. Hell no. I was the opposite. Man, if it was on WEBN when I was a kid, it was probably “classic rock” and I probably loved it. In some cases, the older the better. Too young to have money of my own I would just tape the songs from my little bedside radio cassette player – all of it, from Kansas to Guns n’ Roses. At that time I was so young and stupid I didn’t know critics hacked music apart into genres to make their own lives easier. I just figured that if WEBN thought it was good enough to play, it must rock. (Clearly I was a kid at the time, having no clue how the fickle broadcasting industry worked).

So anyway, I’m driving from work to the gym last night and CNBC goes to commercial. (Yes, I listen to CNBC in the car a lot. A Glam girl needs to watch her finances). Anyway, during the commercial I flipped around and heard a commercial for “classic rewind” radio. That’s all classic rock, all the time. Turns out, the station was pimping U2 and Journey. “That’s not classic rock!” I thought. Then it dawned on me: both those bands formed in the 70s. Just like Aerosmith and Def Leppard.


I mean, we’re talking I had a full-on panic moment in the car. First off, this must mean I’m getting very old as I was born in ‘79. I must be classic rock myself! And second…this must mean our Glam beloveds are 1) already in the classic rock category or 2) fast approaching.

Do you think this is a bad thing?

The music industry is such a disjointed mess these days I’m not sure any one thing can hurt an artist these days, especially the label of being “classic rock” but I just don’t know if it helps. I also don’t know what it says about bands singing about teenage love and lust…when the entire act is older than my parents.

Oh my.

Here’s the final scary thought: if Motley Crue and Poison are already classic rock…then who the hell is next? I can’t imagine Creed getting a ton of airplay 15 years from now on Top Tracks or whatever the station is called, but good grief. I guess this is the way of the world.

I’m done freaking out for now.


Mismatched Bills?

Ever see a show and think "Man, this a mismatched bill?"

Consider this: I interviewed both Steve Blaze and Ronny Munroe about the "new" Lillian Axe last week. Toward the end of the conversation, Blaze casually slips in that Lillian will be touring with Enuff Z'nuff this September. I was more than taken aback. I dig both Lillian Axe and Enuff Z'nuff but I would never in a million years have put them together on a bill. Still, I think it could be cool. Plus, the bands have two different fan bases, so the exposure factor could be good. Of course, some pairings might not work. I was trying to think of a historic, mismatched bill, but couldn't. But I know you can. So, share your stories. Ever attend a crazy, mismatched bill? How was the crowd reaction?

By the way, both Lillian Axe and Enuff Z'nuff are playing Rock n' America in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma next weekend but that show isn't part of the tour. Lillian Axe will also still be fronted by Derrick LeFevre at Rock n' America...Ronny Munroe takes over in August. My Lillian Axe interview will post soon on Noisecreep.


'Alice Does Alice,' Free Download

Are you an Alice Cooper fan? (Okay, who isn't?) Anyway, Alice recently released a new EP called Alice Does Alice. Basically, it's five new recorded versions of some of his most famous tunes like "School's Out" and "Elected." I just happened to go to Alice's official website last night and noticed that he's giving away "Elected" right now as a free download, so make sure you go there and snatch that up.

If you want to buy the entire Alice Does Alice record, it's only $4.99. I'm seeing Alice in exactly one week - I can't wait. He is one of the most consistent live performers bar none. His shows are high energy and a hoot, too. Plus Keri Kelli is on the guitar! What more could a Glam girl want? The name of this tour is "Theatre of Death 2010." Seems fitting.

Now, what do I think of the new "Elected?" I think it's major win! I have the original on vinyl, which means it has that great, crackly sound. Plus, Alice's voice is younger. But still, this "new" version has some great screams and punched-up audio. I eagerly await Alice's 26th studio album.


Beavis & Butt-head to Return?

Oh my Glam - Metal Hammer is reporting that Beavis & Butt-head just might be returning to MTV. I can't imagine MTV making room in their action-packed schedule of reality-driven crap for something quasi-music related, but hey, I hope I'm wrong. Beavis & Butt-head always entertained me. The show was not fair to Winger but maybe a new round of episodes could lessen the hate on Kip and Co.

I wonder what Beavis & Butt-head would say about modern metal? Or the fact that Winger has a new, awesome album? Apparently creator Mike Judge is working on 30 new episodes. We'll see if this rumor pans. Also, I wonder if Beavis & Butt-head would get new band T-shirts. Hmmm...


Yahoo! Taps 'Home Sweet Home' for New Ad

Add some more cash to the Motley Crue bankroll. Yahoo! is using "Home Sweet Home" in a new ad campaign! The commercial is airing on television now, which is good for the Crue...I think. I say "I think" because over half the YouTube comments are asking "Who is this band?"


Anyway, any Glam exposure on the national circuit is good. The commercial itself isn't great -- although I like the part with the band and the jumping bull in front of a moving stock ticker. Plus, it sort of sucks that "Home Sweet Home" is so edited, but hey. You take what you can get, right? Check it out below.


'Tom Sawyer,' Live for the First Time


Man, I could waste a lifetime clicking through YouTube, looking for obscure things to share with all of you...but this one takes the cake. Today, I present the supposed first-ever live performance of Rush's "Tom Sawyer." According to the comments, the song hadn't even been recorded yet and the band was still working it out. What would it have been like to have heard "Tom Sawyer" before it was set in stone? Good grief! Pay attention to the lyrics and the rhythm.

I'll admit, I was so excited in finding this last night I sort of jumped around on the couch. But, I'm a music nerd, so there you go. I'm not the biggest Rush fan in the world but I would like to see them in concert...but it doesn't look like that's going to happen this summer. The 'Time Machine' tour is going on right now.


Showing Some Van Hagar Love

Remember honestly loving an album without knowing any of the back story? Not hearing a million different reviews from critics trying to outdo each other? Before forums when anyone with a computer could cut down the band you love?

For me, those were the salad days of music. Oh man, how I loved Van Halen's Balance when that record came out. I thought it was just the best thing ever. I mean, it rivaled Aerosmith and if you knew me in 1995 - well, let's just say there wasn't much more important to me at that time than Aerosmith.

Anyway, I'm sick of reading of how crappy an album Balance is...I love it, no matter what the detractors say. Which brings me to today's post. Last night, my husband says (ok, demands) "Write about favorite Sammy Hagar - Van Halen songs for tomorrow." Well, I aim to please, so here goes. My top five Van Hagar tunes, in no order:

The Seventh Seal - from the album Balance
Dreams - from the album 5150
Top of the World - from the album For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
Why Can't This Be Love - from the album 5150
Can't Stop Lovin' You - from the album Balance

Now I realize it's highly dangerous for me to post about favorite Van Hagar tunes when there's a huge contingent of Van Roth lovers who will pounce if they think Diamond Dave has been slighted. Look, I'm not slighting David Lee Roth at all. My husband prefers Van Hagar and he wanted other people's opinions regarding Van, let's have 'em. Give me your favorite Van Hagar tunes. And for the record, I love (LOVE!) Sammy's solo work, too. He's a party music machine! Woo hoo!

(Oh, and if you're wondering, my husband's favorite Van Hagar tune is "When It's Love" from the album OU812).

Speaking of Van looks like the talk of a new studio album to be released next year was just...rumors. We'll see I suppose.

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