Jackyl Live (and Drunk)

Last night I saw Jackyl with special guests Black Stone Cherry. The free concert was part of the Rumble Rally 2007 at Aces and Eights Harley-Davidson in Mason, Ohio.
I guess I underestimated the draw of the event. There were probably 5,000 people in attendance. 4,500 of those were bikers. It seemed everyone owned a high-end hog...and many were looking to buy another motorcycle to add to their private fleet.
I've never seen Black Stone Cherry perform, and I don't own their self-titled disc, but I'll be ordering a copy today. They were great, and they played an extra long set. Their set included many songs of their debut release, including "Lonely Train." They also played some southern favorites...and showed off with two guitar solos! Black Stone Cherry are from Kentucky and you can tell by the themes of their music...and their southern drawls.
Jackyl are Jackyl -- loud and obnoxiously entertaining. Last night was Jesse James Dupree's birthday, so he celebrated by "pacing" himself on the hard liquor, and inviting dancers on stage. The rowdy crowd loved it.
The set list looked something like this:
Push Comes to Shove
Just Like A Devil
Kill the Sunshine
Locked and Loaded (with Jesse's son Nigel)
Secret of the Bottle
Mental Masturbation
Down on Me
I Stand Alone
When Will It Rain
Dirty Little Mind
Redneck Punk
We're An American Band
She Loves My Cock
The Lumberjack
Jesse's son Nigel Dupree kept coming on stage to sing, dance, clap. While Jackyl were crazy as usual they were not as crazy as their Rocklahoma performance. Perhaps because the stage faced a major intersection in the high-brow town of Mason, Jesse thought it best to not moon the crowd. At any rate The Lumberjack was, as always, the best part of the show. After the concert, the Harley-Davidson dealership gave away two chainsaws. I didn't know there was a contest, or I would have entered. I'm not sure the chainsaws were those used by Jesse, or were just an intelligent marketing ploy.
The weather was perfect for an outdoor show, too. Makes me sad that concert season is effectively over and winter is right around the corner.