It's Hot Tonight

Have you ever been haunted by a song? You know, when you can't get the riff or lyrics out of your head?
The other day I had Alice Cooper's "It's Hot Tonight" going through my head so bad I was literally scratching the walls. The song wasn't driving me nuts in a bad way. No, I just had to learn the song on my husband's guitar.
Please believe I am not skilled at the guitar. I'm a functioning bass player - but guitar strings are closer together and that is hard! Still, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I sorted out at least the opening riff to "It's Hot Tonight."
I've had "It's Hot Tonight" going through my head off and on since seeing Alice Cooper live at Rock the Bayou. That song has a great riff! So, I panicked, got online and started hunting for tabs.
After playing the introductory riff repeatedly for about 45 minutes, I got it down. By "got it" I mean the song was recognizable. I'm not ready for my close-up or anything. Still, it was a triumphant little evening for me as I never play Eric's guitar. I'm pretty much a bass girl. Buy hey, you gotta branch out from time to time.
Have you ever been haunted by a song? What was your solution?
By the way, here's "It's Hot Tonight." Talk about a great song!