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Entries from September 1, 2009 - September 30, 2009


Definitely Maybe

A couple of you have asked me to mention the demise of Oasis. As you may (or may not know, or care) guitarist Noel Gallagher left Oasis a few days ago. Noel, along with his brother Liam, were the backbone of Oasis. On Friday night, Noel announced his plans to leave the band, saying he was "forced to leave" the band and that was he was verbally and violently intimidated.

Now here's my problem with Oasis and the main reason why I never mentioned this split to begin with. 1) Oasis isn't a Glam band. 2) Oasis are awesome, but they are not the biggest band of the past 20 years. 3) Oasis could have been the biggest band since the Beatles, but the constant feuds between the Gallagher brothers got in the way of the music.

I think "Wonderwall" is a brilliant song. I remember watching the video with my mom when Oasis was new on the scene. She was really excited - I guess because she saw a lot of the Beatles in Oasis and was looking to relive that genius. It's sad when any band breaks up or changes members. Is this the end of the world? No. Will Oasis go forward? Perhaps. Will Noel have a successful solo career? Probably.

So, are you sad about Noel's departure from Oasis or do you even care?


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