Van Halen: Three Choices

In the summer 2007 edition (issue 108) of Classic Rock magazine, the editor's provide a tip sheet on buying Van Halen. Most every album the band has ever released is considered at least "good." The album to avoid - according to the editor's - is Van Halen III.
Here's a secret: I don't own Van Halen III, and I'm not certain I've even ever heard one track off this poorly rated album. Of course, this is the only Gary Cherone era release, and I suppose that speaks volumes right there.
Does anyone out there own Van Halen III? Would you leave me a comment and explain why it's either a good or bad release?
In the Classic Rock article, the editor's write "Gary Cherone was that wuss who sang in Extreme - wearing a leotard...Van Halen and Cherone were a disastrous mismatch, and produced just one album - that sold on 500,000 copies, when every other VH album had shifted at least two million. The reason is that Van Halen III stinks like a wet dog. Every song sucks, and Cherone sings them like a drowning man."
Wow. This is not a good review people. I did a little YouTube research, looking for some Cherone-era VH clips. Surprised, I found more than a few.
I'll be honest. I watched a few of the clips, and didn't seem that disheartened with Cherone. Yes, I like Extreme, but he doesn't sound like Extreme while standing next to Eddie Van Halen. In some respects, Cherone sounds like a poor woman's David Lee Roth.
I suppose this in itself is a little creepy.
So, let's compare. Here's Gary Cherone performing "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" during Van Halen's 1998 world tour.
Now, here's Sammy Hagar performing the same song during a Van Halen tour stop. Judging by the clothes, this is a late 80s or early 90s tour.
Diamond David Lee Roth originally sang the lyrics to "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" for Van Halen's massively successful debut album, released way back in 1978. This clip is from the 1984 tour.
So, which is better? You decide.
Reader Comments (60)
On stage flamboyance of Gary.....Didn't Dave corner the market on that, if not set the tone of the era with both on stage and off stage flamboyance? Is that you, Thunderlips and maybe Boxhead (or should I say marc in boston) just can't accept change? How many Sammy shows did you collectively go to? 17? Would you still be going to the shows if Sammy never left? Did the drama of Eddie tire you two out as it has everyone else? Is Gary just an innocent victim of the bar being set way to high or an ego gone out of control? These are the questions that keep up at night and willing to see new incarnations of the band because the alternatives are just subpar. Well except for the Atomic Punks they do kick ass.
And the fat bassist is most assuredly the MVP. I second that whole heartedly and will probably have the most issue with that replacement than any of the voice boxes.
- Out
So the new question is will you go to the VH show when it comes to your neck of the woods or will protest in misery and long for the Punks who you won't see until next year?
Halen shows it gives you an opportunity to voice your opinion and gives you a respectable ethos upon the subject....
I will be going to the show if they don't break up again,.I'm a glutan for punishment
Because truthfully there just isn't much to it, 1 and done, more or less. Van Halen will always be the Roth and Hagar era's. Gary Cherone gave this band Without You, Fire In The Hole and A Year To The Day, in time they will go down as classic Van Halen songs. Also, From Afar was a fresh sounding Van Halen, I liked it. It's just that there isn't much there to fairly judge. He may have been great. All we have is good enough.
"VH Rocks" I would not venture to say that Gary is an amazing rock singer perhaps a better Broadway actor "Jesus Christ Superstar". I dont know what is more embarrasing, that, or the "DLR Radio Show" when it pertains to the VH saga. Oh I know DLR reunion 20+ years later with no Michael Anthony. I think that anwsers your question Bumbles. If you still do not know what I am saying then when VH comes around my neck of the wood I choose to put on a set headphones, put on Fair Warning and stick my head in the sand.
I think "Van Halen Rocks" is "Bumbles" familiar tones and writting styles in your essays.
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You folks have seen VH in Australia, That Cherone fella is nasty. That bloke poisoned the band worst than a bite from a Coral Snake. Without my mate Mikey in the band they'll sound worse than a Komodo dragon biting me wife's fat backside. That big fellas bass playing was just simply GORGEOUS! As for Wolfgang throw that little shrimp on the barbie.
Before you know it this tour will be dead in the water (like Me).
Whoaa, do you see that it's David Lee Roths dead vocal chords coming too visit the big zoo in the sky. Must go examine the little fella......Come back here little fella i'm not going to hurt you we're already dead.....Say hi to bendi for me