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Mr. Big, 'Undertow' - New Video! 

Mr. Big knows how to rock. Their new song "Undertow" is just excellent. Really, there's no other way to describe it: the song has a modern edge, yet it is not nu-metal so I don't think die hard fans would be alienated. The production is great and the video is even excellent. "Undertow" is a single from the forthcoming release What If...due out in early 2011. Have a listen:

Reader Comments (29)

Oh, and speaking of Rock Instrumentals, I contend "Rumble" by Link Wray from 1958 is the first Heavy Metal song. Check it out on YouTube.
December 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Wow you must be a very lonely and bored little man to actually go and find out exactly how many hours of power ballads you have on your playlist rofl, just to show someone who you have never met or even like at this moment in time lol. You must be a mainstream whore to comment on posts like this commenting on how bad mr.big are because its obvious that this page was just meant for die hard fans, away from youtube and the attack of people like yourselves. But to be honest mate, you said that you saw them in their early days? so that makes you like 40? Why are you sat on your computer writing essays, and not going out down the pub with some friendddddsss??? i know because you have a loveless life! and just cant get over how amazing paul gilbert is :).
December 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchilv
Everyone needs to mellow out a little. Including "Metalboy!", whose boundless enthusiasm is great, but whose limitless faith in the rightness of his own opinions is off-putting, to say the least.

Paul Gilbert is a true god among shredders, and I love practically all of his stuff -- solo, Racer X, Mr. Big, whatever -- but I can also see how his style might not be everyone's cup of tea, even within the glam/pop metal community.

I don't get all the "they know they're phony"/"UNROCK!" crap. Anytime anyone starts talking like there's some sort of gnostic initiation rite to go through before I can figure out what is truly kewl and what is poser crap, well, I'm old enough now that to know enough to ignore such bullshit. I know what I like. Frankly, I don't get the appeal of Poison or Ratt at all, even though I know that they're practically foundations to many readers -- not to mention writers -- on this site. Hell, I like Arcade's first album better than anything Ratt ever did. So be it. It's my iTunes playlist, not yours. And vice versa.

As for the subject actually under discussion, I think most of the commenters have the measure of it: it isn't bad. It's a solid hard rock/pop metal song, a good performance, nothing that will disappoint or confuse fans of the band's prior work, but nothing that's going to break through to a wider audience of any sort. I enjoy it, I'll be adding it to my collection when it comes out, and that's that. It's a group of musicians coming together to make a little money the only way they reasonably can in the current environment. If they're playing the nostalgia card a bit obviously, at least they aren't phoning it in, like some past pop-metalers we could all name.

End rant.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterM.
And that is because they are middle of the road AOR. Yeah, Chilv, Chill! You couldn't be further off about me than humanly poosible, ya frickin' TROLL! Go drool on yer shirt somewhere else, MATE! Gilbert bores me to tears...
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

As far as Arcade's first goes, I like that album, particularly "Nothing To Lose".

But, personally, I like the Ratt stuff better, tho I will say, they never put out an "All Killer, No Filler" album. They always had throwaways and some of their best songs unfortunately have the most insipid lyrics.

And I do appreciate the reffing, believe me, your comments and criticism, which overall, I think is constructive, unlike the personal attacks of psycho, Chilv.

Look, I'll be the first to admit I'm a horse's A*S, but Chilv's whole "loser" MO is really a cheap shot, and, tho, even if I might even be a loser (Wow!), I'm sure as hell not a lonely one, that's for damn sure.

I just happen to think Mr. Big BLOWZ!

And I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears, like I said . Believe me, they were "mailing it in"...

p.s. As far as my age goes, you're way off. Go higher, even tho it has nothing to do with it. Being a professional Jacka*s and being an Amateur La-z-boy Music Critic has nothing to do with age. It's timeless.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Well, as I said before, Mr. Big were mailing it in except for "Addicted To That Rush". They really came to life on that one and all their posing and phoniness disappeared...

Well, for 5 minutes of Pure Rock'n'Roll, anyway...
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Get over yourself "metalboy" !
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteraxewheelder
I'm over myself. It's you Paul Gilbert and Mr. Big freax I can't get over. Go back to Snorezville, if you think that's Rock'n'Roll, except "Addicted To That Rush", which they did actually manage to accidently eek out, in spite of them worrying about their profile so much.

Devoid of humour. Devoid of intelligence. Devoid of original riffs, hooks, licks, whatever you want to call 'em. Probably like you clownz, which is more than likely why you're falling over your sword for this self important band of vanity cases.

As overinflated as theez jokers were, egowise, I'm even more amazed how you think Mr. Big is the biggest thing that ever hit the face the earth more than they do themselves.
December 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
ah metalboy your still posting on this? i forgot about this silly discussion lol. and the only reason i got personal was because of your ignorance to other peoples opinions. sad little man... with a saggy foreskin
December 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterchilv

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