Are You A Veteran? KISS Needs A Carpenter

This is very cool of KISS. As part of the NBC Hiring our Heroes event, KISS will hire a veteran to fill an open slot among their touring ranks for this summer.
KISS is looking for a carpenter for their tour with Motley Crue this summer. No previous carpentry experience is necessary. You will work long (I'm betting super long) hours, assemble the KISS stage set, run effects and tear down after the concerts are over.
To apply for this job, send an email to with your resume and contact details.
If you are the lucky veteran who lands this job - and you happen to get it because you saw this post - you better send me an email to tell me about it!
Reader Comments (4)
And that's one point where KISS really deserve respect.
Their dedication to the members of the U.S. Armed Services aren't just lip service. They performed @ El Toro Marine Base for the troops long before it was the fashionable thing to do. They've also donated proceeds from every stop on the Sonic Boom/Alive 35 tours to the Wounded Warriors Project, & have taken the time to visit our injured servicemen in hospitals along the way, even going out of the way to fly across the country to do so. Gene may be an financial opportunist, but he puts his money where his mouth is, when it comes to supporting our troops.
Like him or not, You've got to respect that sort of dedication.