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Bret Michaels Works Himself Sick Again

Bret Michaels keeps up his crazy touring schedule and endorses everything under the sun... and sometimes that wears a man down. Bret had to cancel a show over the weekend because his blood sugar went nuts. Remember, he has diabetes, so that is no bueno. We like to slag on Bret around here but no one wants him sick. The Facebook post below has a lot of nice comments from fans who also suffer from diabetes.

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Reader Comments (18)

Diabetes is no joke. I hope he gets the rest he needs and gets the blood sugar levels back in line quickly. I have Type II and its a pain to manage I can't imagine having Type 1 like Brett....
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShawn
It happens. We're net getting younger and Bret doesn't have a reputation for cancelling shows unless it's serious. I had tickets for Meatloaf this past Saturday and he cancelled. It was rescheduled for tonight and alas, cancelled again; posting on his facebook page that the flu has really gotten him good this time and he announced a make-up date in May.

However, one final note...Pete Evick needs an "official" page??? Sorry, but that's funny.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I joke around about Bret a lot, but type 1 diabetes is no laughing matter. I hope he gets this undercontrol soon, so he can get back to what he does best.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDj
He seriously needs to just take a good year or 2 off, period. Would help out his health and would slow down the vast over-exposure hes got right now as well. And yeah, Evick is sort if a douche.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKenny Ozz
Making fun of Bret Michaels (or any of the glam metal music talked about here, whether I am a fan or not) has never been my idea of fun.
That negative energy is pretty annoying/lame.
I find supporting the bands I love (especially glam) to be a lot more satisfying.
It's kinda messed up that a site like this has pretty much just as many people ripping on these bands, that other sites do that are not 100% glam metal related.

I actually really like his solo stuff (when he is rocking out).
I just find it disappointing that he has no interest whatsoever to make at least one last badass Poison album (ala Ratt 'Infestation') & go out w/a bang.

If C.C., Rikki & Bobby were able to add their magic touch to all the rockin solo songs Bret has written over the past 10 years.
Poison could have released a phenomenal album.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJakki Steal
Thank you, Jakki. I agree. I don't understand the ripping on bands. There are several that I am not a huge fan of, but if the originals, or at least most of the originals, put something out, I will most likely buy it. Doesn't seem like people rip on Tom Kiefer, but then again, he is not selling luggage. Disclaimer: my wife bought Bret Michaels' guitar from the celebrity apprentice charity auction for our rock bar in our basement. I still go see BM in concert, and wish he would play with the Poison crew. When they toured with Def Leppard a few years ago, we saw them POINT BLANK on a Saturday night and the ALMOST point blank on the following Tuesday or Wednesday.
I hope he is able to get it under control again quickly, because you know he will not quit working.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
That picture is hilarious. Whoever photoshopped it has no clue what they are doing.
March 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVeronese
Where's the Photoshopping, Veronese? This looks like a straight up photo to me with maybe some color enhancement. Michaels genuinely looks ill and not faking it.

Jakki, you nailed it in the last paragraph. Oper8n, awesome you saw Poison POINT BLANK. That will be the position I will see Axl Rose fronting AC/DC from in Atlanta and Guns n' Roses in Orlando.

I'm praying for Michaels full recovery. I'm also praying he wakes up and reunites with Poison for the main reasons of which you speak, Oper8n. Contrary to your praise for Michaels solo, I found his headlining solo performance boring uninspired and half*as*ed whereas, when I saw Poison, it was remarkably better!

Get your thing together with Poison, Michaels, as you've got the last Glam band left. Don't let Glam die at your feet!
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Not really praise, but he's a great showman. I definitely agree the level of kickassness is greatly elevated when he's on stage with CC, Rikki, and Bobby. I hope they can pull it together one more tone.
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
As far as poking fun at certain bands that I happen to love or not be a fan of, it's all in good fun, the way I see it anyways. That's a big reason I'm a huge Steel Panther fan, not everything is meant to be taken serious. With that being said I will be the first person to defend Poison to somebody that actually wants to have a conversation with two sides, or to a total metal elitist that only listens to cookie monster vocals recorded on an elmo tape recorder in somebody's garage. as far as the Poison thing goes, I honestly don't understand why they can't release one more decent album. Yeah, all their great songs and hits have been created already, but they could definately put out a cool record and hit the road with Tom Keifer this summer and play "Look What The Cat Dragged In" in its entirety, then they could hit the road this fall with Faster Pussycat and play "Open Up And Say Ahh" In its entirety. I'm getting carried away...who says a man can't dream?? Hahah
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDj
I'm not sure what you do for a living, Dj, but you should consider being a concert promoter. You have some great ideas.
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
Yeah, DJ! And get us down front, POINT BLANK!
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Obviously Bret's recovery is more important but...
Hopefully this latest health scare will fill him w/a desire to do one last special big thing with Poison.
Not just a little tour & have the same tired/short 12 song setlist.

Even if Poison doesn't make a new album...
I would still be happy if they just revamped their setlist...
It would be pretty damn cool if they sprinkled in some deep cuts like "Bad To Be Good", "Valley Of Lost Souls", "Blame It On You" or even "Livin For The Minute" along w/the obvious hits.
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJakki Steal
Even if it's just "Cry Tough" and "I Want Action" replacing current set list filler "What I Like About You" and "We're An American Band".
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Poison is my #1 glam band, so of course I love Bret and hopes he gets better. But I hate that he's left the other 3 guys hanging. They obviously still want to make/play music, and even did a gig (or two?) last year as the "special guests" with Brandon Gibbs fronting. I'm sure it's already too late to book a summer shed tour this year, so that's another opportunity lost. Would have loved to hear either the Cat album or the Open Up album played front to back. Unfortunately, Poison and deep cuts don't mix well, but at this point, just get the band back together Bret, Blues Brothers style!!!
March 29, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSteverox
Take off my t-shirt before you jinx the band and make them break up.
March 30, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteroper8n
Hahah, I've actually considered promoting charitable shows on a local level. If I had the chance to do something like that I would jump on it quick.
Bret is playing a show down here later this summer, I'd love to go, but I don't know if I'd like to see his solo act play the same 12 songs as Poison does. I mean, I'd Poison is ever coming around during the summer, I'd get tickets in a heartbeat, because they're one of my favorite bands, but if they'd slip in Back To The Rockin Horse, Cry Tough, or #1 Bad Boy, I'd be really happy.
I don't understand why they don't play Cry Tough though...that'd work out well.
March 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDj
Trust me DJ -- Skip Michaels solo. I found it SO disappointing to see and even worse, hear those POISON songs delivered so half a*sed compared to when POISON performs them. Unless you're someone who has no problem settling for less, don't go!
March 31, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!

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