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Michael Monroe, 'Junk Planet'-- Lyric Video

The king of Glam, Michael Monroe, is back with a new lyric video. This time for the track "Junk Planet" from the solo album One Man Gang.

Stream 'One Man Gang' Here

Reader Comments (10)

love it. Mr. Monroe can hardly do any wrong in my book, btw ...except not tour the States. He did an interview recently in which he said it's not fiscally feasible to launch a solo tour here, but that he would have to get a slot as an opening act on a major tour. He and GNR reportedly still keep in touch and often talk about touring together, but once GNR management looks at Hanoi Rocks record sales, they quash the idea.

He's one of my last bucket-listers, but I blew it. A few years ago, he did tour a few dates in this area. Bam Margera's band (from Jackass) was the opener. I went to the show pretty early. I even met Bam and Michael in the parking lot. Got autographs, pictures and drank/smoked with Bam. I went inside at the start of the show and POW!!! Bam's killer weed put me on my ass. I went outside to get some air and the cool air felt about right. I sat there for an hour or two, before calling a cab to pick me back up early than expected. It was my fault, and f*ck it, Bam's fault, too! (kidding). Note to self and Public Service Announcement BBG'ers...DO NOT SMOKE with Bam Margera.
October 28, 2019 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Im sure this will sell millions. Lol
October 28, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
My bad, bk. You're not a tool. I misjudged you. It happens. You're just a straight up douche.
October 28, 2019 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Was a joke. Damn bro🤷🏻‍♂️
October 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Saw MM Friday night in Copenhagen, great show! Played a lot of songs from the new album, some Hanoi Rocks classics and a couple of Demolition 23 tunes too. His band is tight as hell and Sami Yaffa rocks it on bass.
October 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSnoot
Like I've said before, I recognize and respect his talent, influence, and legacy, but I was never a huge fan because I didnt really give him a fair shot. After hearing this I definately need to check out the new album, this is really catchy. Love the fact that hes still out there constantly making new music.
October 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterDj
I love most of everything Monroe has put out over this career. The last 3 solo CDs have been killer. He's been smart to surround himself with some talented songwriters that know his style and feel.

This begs the question...Monroe continues to put out not only new music, but quality music, good sound, nicely packaged, etc. Yet many of the bands we write about on here can't get their *%&* together to put out new music, or we hear there's no money or it's not worth the time.

To give credit where it's due (whether we like it or not) to bands like L.A. Guns or Quiet Riot for putting out new music, when they do put out new music, it sounds like crap.

So what is it, wrong producer or engineer? Lack of funds? What? I know when a new Monroe disc comes out it's going to be quality, have 12-14 tracks and be catchy as hell. Props to Michael for keeping it going for almost 40 years now!
October 29, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterEndo
Endo, I think it differs depending on the band (wow, that was an insightful comment, right?).

Bands pick their spots in this market. And even saying "this market" raises some huge qualifiers. Some bands are big in the States. Some are big in Europe. Or Japan. I think that greatly impacts draws when it comes to live shows and the costs associated with putting them on, and touring, and having a supporting act, etc.

But bands also differ on the logistics of putting out an album. Twisted Sister got loads of grief for only touring festivals (mainly) in their later years. I didn't understand it. French can be a bit of a diva when it comes to the b(r)and. But he recognized the market for them, played to it, and I assume did quite nicely along the way. Snider also played up the PR on that choice as well. And I think he was right: people wanted to hear the classic songs and (some) deep cuts. They weren't looking for something new (see how well Snider's updated sound did?).

Other bands can cut through both tranches. Iron Maiden, for instance, can sell new albums and stage huge shows whenever they want. They have fans everywhere who are eager for both new songs and new tours. Priest is another, albeit smaller, case in point. The new album got rave reviews. Good for them. But they play to smaller markets because the financials make more sense. They couldn't pull off what Maiden pulls off. Who cares? Market decides and fans in both camps seem happy. And, in both cases, this has nothing to do with the quality of their new output, album-wise. The tours prove the latter point. The fans buying proves the former one (even if the numbers for both bands are lower than in the glory years).

There is also the 'creative itch' issue. Some bands tour to make a living. Full stop. They don't care about new music. Other bands care about making new music and making a living. Full stop. I don't see either path as being better or worse. But it is a choice. And fickle fans likely would complain no matter what a band did/does.

I found the interview with Monroe informative and frank. He clearly wants to make a living and make new music. He just can't do both . . . while also touring the States, without some sort of A-League band picking him up. Clear-eyed and kicking, Monroe is! He is the Troy McClure of Glam. But he gets better gigs, produces a better product, and he isn't stuck in Springfield!
October 31, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterHim
yeah, bk, you're a real scream!
October 31, 2019 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
Thanks bro, coming from someone as naturally gifted at comedy as you are, that means an awful lot! Your uniquely brilliant comedy stylings remind me a lot of Shaq's free throw shooting skills, back when he was in the league. Now i wait 3-4 days for you to come up with some lameass response, that looks like it was created by the short bus crew.
November 1, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday

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