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'The Affirmation' -- Sammy Hagar & The Circle 

Sammy Hagar's music is the soundtrack of summer. Now Sammy Hagar & The Circle have a new video for the song of "Affirmation." The track is taken from the band's album Space Between. The record is filled with really great rock tunes.

Reader Comments (6)

Really good CD. Ally hit the nail on the head about Sammy being the soundtrack of Summer. You can put just about any of his CD's in and just cruise.
May 30, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJeff
Havent checked this cd out yet but plan on it. For those of you that have heard it, what would you compare it to(Montrose, Van Hagar, Solo Sammy, Chickenfoot, etc.)? I loved 5150, Balance, and some of his solo stuff, but not really Montrose or Chickenfoot.
May 30, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
BK, the album is kind of all over the place -- a mixture of different styles. I'd compare it to some of his later solo stuff. I still maintain though that the first song on the album, "Devil Came to Philly" is so similar in structure to "The Devil Came from Kansas" by Procol harum that Hagar should have given them a partial songwriting credit.
May 30, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Finally got a chance to check it out last night, and I was very happy with what i heard. I agree with you though Bob, it's got it all. Solid release though!
May 31, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
C’mon, boys! Seriously? To paraphrase the character who plays Mick Mars in “The Dirt”, “Sh*tty name = Sh*tty band.!” and in this case, it’s happened at least twice to Hagar, first with Chickensh*t and now, “The Circle”.

Montrose was f*ckin’ awesome and should TOTALLY be in The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!

Sure, Hagar still has his chops but and is loaded to the gills but is living proof there’s plenty of idiots out there who still think anything Hagar touches is gold when it’s actually hookless, mediocre fluff.

The last thing he put out that was actually good, and I mean REALLY good, was “There’s Only One Way To Rock”! If only he knew how to follow his own advice in the very words he wrote in the lyrics — and I quote, “Crank up my Les Paul in your face!”

Red Rocker, my a*s! The guy has become a disgrace!

May 31, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
@MB Love you dude!!! in the most manly heterosexual way!!!! I used to love Sammy but I think the well is dry.
June 3, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterShawn

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