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Nikki Sixx Talks Addiction and Stigma On MSNBC

Last night, Nikki Sixx appeared on The Beat with Ari Melber. Ari has been on vacation all week, and the anchor interviewing Nikki is actually Ayman Mohyeldin. I'm glad Nikki went on MSNBC to talk about reducing the stigma of addiction. Props to the producer who booked Nikki and gave some time to this issue.

Reader Comments (2)

Did he hype their new greatest hits cd that’s coming out soon? Or what about the Nikki Sixx toilet paper? The king of narcissism himself is always willing to promote! This is a good thing but make no mistake, he’s doing it to stay in the public eye.
August 30, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterBkallday
Why do we have to end the stigma of opioid addiction ? Not all addictions aren't the same. Pharma/legal addictions vs. illegal addictions. Are we really supposed to treat addicts the same ?

People find relief in many ways, but always seem to blame others vs. themselves. It reminds me of the warning packs on cigarettes and then people not knowing they are bad for you.

Yes, pharma companies are fargin' evil. But you can't lump that in with Breaking Bad crowd.
August 30, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterGNR

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