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Deep Purple, 'Nothing At All' -- New Video

Deep Purple released Whoosh! early last month. Now the band has released a video for the song "Nothing At All."  This clip continues the space man theme that the band also used on videos for "Throw My Bones" and "Man Alive."

There is a lot of buzz for "Nothing At All," with many folks praising the track as one of Deep Purple's best ever efforts. What do you think?

Reader Comments (5)

I will probably be in the minority camp, but . . . I love it!

If anything, Purple were sagging a bit in the late-90s and early-00s, with _Bananas_ being a particularly clunky and lackluster affair (though _Purpendicular_ and _Rapture_ had some fine moments as bookends).

_Whoosh!_ is late-stage Purple and it fits perfectly with the trend they started with _Now What?_ and Ezrin at the helm. In fact, of the three albums, I think this one is the best overall. Why? They play with what they got and roll that all into an interesting package, complete with Gillan's droll, and within range (some might call it "talking"), delivery. The only odd spot? Not sure why "And the Address" needed to be included, save as to suggest the beginning and the end of the band. Whatever. Me? I hope this is not the end.

I mentioned on here that I saw them last year in Reno, with Joyous Wolf opening. They were in fine form. Yes, Gillan looks constipated when he reaches for some of those notes. But he did sound good, much better than he had in recent years. His stage banter is something to behold. And you still have Paice and Glover. Airey and Morse are no slouches either.

Glad we still have them around. I hope they can tour this album, along with their hits, at some point in the (near?) future.
September 5, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim
I haven’t really been able to get into late stage Purple (I love the MK2, MK3, and MK4 albums, but after that it’s touch and go for me) but this is pretty good. I may have to give this one a try.
September 5, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterBasileus
Whoa. Very trippy and Pink Floyd-like. Gonna listen again and see if I start to see Richie Blackmore dancing like a Renaissance figure
September 6, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Listened again. No hallucinations. Lol But!!!!! What a great song. Gonna go listen to the album now. Thanks BBG!
September 6, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
You make me smile, Kixchix. You really do. Glad you got into the song. It is solid late-stage Deep Purple.

And I had to laugh at the Blackmore comment. The boys in Purple treat him fairly well these days, all things considered. He does his thing. They do their thing. I am glad that the acrimony has sorta declined. But I bet he would flip his wig to create something this good nowadays. Then again, a lute doesn't rock quite as well as an organ!
September 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterHim

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