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Entries from January 1, 2023 - January 31, 2023


Wig Wam -- 'High N' Dry' -- New Song 

Wig Wam, a very talented Norwegian Glam band, dropped a new lyric video this morning. The video is for the track "High N' Dry" and it features great graphics along with the catchy tune. The song is on the new album Out Of The Dark. The new song is so catchy, I caught myself humming the chorus after just one listen. "High N' Dry" definitely has that "ear worm" factor!

Wig Wam is going on tour to support their new album. The tour included American dates but apparently those are postponed for a bit due to visa issues. I would love to see Wig Wam live someday!


Happy World Introvert Day!

Contrary to popular belief, you can be a famous musician and also an introvert. As an introvert myself, I relish the day of recognition that folks like me are not weird, mentally ill, stuck up or anti-social. Introverts just experience the world much differently than extroverts.

Some of my favorite musical introverts are below:

Freddie Mercury - yes, he had an unbelievably huge stage presence. He also loved to be left alone with his thoughts and his cats. (One of my favorite hobbies is taking a nap with Roosevelt, my cat).

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Wilson also wrote Pet Sounds, the best rock album of all time. I said what I said. (Aerosmith Rocks in still right up there, though!)

Eminem is a lyrical genius - as a shy, quiet kid, he would spend hours reading the dictionary as a way to work on his craft. Introverts often have a wicked, dry sense of humor - and Eminem does too, it seems!


Happy New Year 2023!

That one time, when Winger played live on MTV for their 1989 New Year's Eve countdown show. Hopefully 2023 will rock as hard as the performance below!

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