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Entries from January 1, 2024 - January 31, 2024


Motley Crue Unveil Online Museum

Now we know what the countdown was all about! Today, Motley Crue unleashed their Crueseum. For now, there are three sections open: "Shout At The Devil," "L.A. Home Sweet Home" and "On With The Show." The online museum is sort of like the Def Leppard Vault. I like the concept and there seems to be some really cool photos to scroll, especially in the "On With The Show" section. The old laminates are interesting. On the Theatre of Pain tour, Nikki Sixx's laminate -- his name is typed on as NIKKI S. and it says Access All Areas - which makes me chuckle since it's his band, but whatever. 

The laminate for the Monsters of Rock '84 tour is also featured with some show memories from Vince Neil. I am looking forward to scrolling all the pages.


Saxon, 'There's Something In Roswell' -- Video Release

This one is just for our friend London: Saxon has a video out today for their new song "There's Something In Roswell." The song is on the new album Hell, Fire and Damnation which is due this week. Saxon is going on a major tour this year, hitting both Europe and the USA. Tickets are available on the band's website.


This Is All I Got

I spent all last week on a work trip. I am off today for the federal holiday and that is good, because I feel fried. Looking forward to playoff football tonight. Garfield is an old friend of mine from way back and I feel this comic strip so hard.


Babylon A.D. Is Working On (More) New Music

I didn't expect this for 2024, but Babylon A.D. are working a full album of new music! The band released a new track called "Live Lightning" last year and now we are getting a bunch of new tracks! I love this.


Motley Crue Are Playing The North Dakota State Fair

So maybe the big announcement Motley Crue are teasing on January 17 is about a tour? The band just announced a show at the North Dakota State Fair, so clearly they are going to be out for awhile this summer.

The Motley show in North Dakota is set for July 19. Gonna be a hot one!


'Manly In Heels' - Hot Crazy

People! This is great Friday music!

Yes, there's a band called Hot Crazy and they are a mix between Steel Panther, Spinal Tap and Adam Lambert. Their song "Manly In Heels" is pretty funny and the video is ridiculous. Watch the video once and you will be singing the chorus over and over again. And the guitar solo is, well, hot!

Hot Crazy has played with some big acts recently and also did a gig at the Roxy. Plus, they will be on the upcoming ShipRocked cruise, too. I hope they pick up steam and add more live dates around America for the summer. I need to see this fiasco live in person!


A Motley Crue Teaser

Motley Crue posted a cryptic little teaser on their social media earlier this week. Is a tour announcement coming? Another re-issue? A new album? I won't lie - I'm kind of excited about this and I bet you are, too. I can't wait until 1/17!