In the Hot Seat

It's human nature to think "I can do that job better than..."
Admit it: you've thought you could do a better interview, write a better review or break a story sooner than me. That's O.K. I get it. I look at magazines, newspapers, television shows all the time and think "This is how this story would be better and I know I can produce X, Y, Z with more pizzazz..."
I was clicking around radio stations yesterday when the same thought entered my head. I try not to be that way, but I swear, five bad songs in a row and I'm thinking "I can do this better!"
So, let's say you suddenly find yourself with the enviable job as program director for your local rock station. Yes, you have to abide by FCC laws regarding profanity. Program your first hour - for ease, let's say you need to pick 10 songs.
My picks for the first ten songs under the new regime of Allyson:
01. Motley Crue - Chicks = Trouble
02. Avenged Sevenfold - I Won't See You Tonight (Pt. 1)
03. AC/DC - Back in Black
04. Metallica - Master of Puppets
05. Aerosmith - Kings and Queens
06. Kix - Cold Shower
07. Girl - Hollywood Tease
08. Lynam - Losing Venus
09. Y&T - Summertime Girls
10. Arcade - Cry No More
I'm pretty proud of my selections. I think this is a nice cross-section of the different genres of rock and also has a couple deep cuts as well.
So, what is your first hour of programming? Remember to pick a nice, diverse list of rock tunes -- not just your personal favorites.