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Entries from June 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008


Love on the Rocks and Other Treats


I was listening to Poison's Open Up and Say...Ahh!! the other day and realized something: the album cuts are just as good - if not better - than the singles.

Picture it: Dayton, Ohio and I'm at my cubicle, listening to my iPod. I suddenly catch myself skipping all the famous songs and constantly repeating both "Love on the Rocks" and "Back to the Rocking Horse." Now, let me be clear in saying that Open Up and Say...Ahh!! has been one of my favorite albums for literally 20 years now.

Open Up and Say...Ahh!! turned 20 just last month. Never in a million years would I have guessed I would still be listening to this album as much at 28 as I did at 8. I guess life is funny that way.

Back to the B-sides. So, I'm listening to "Love on the Rocks"  and thinking "gosh, this is a great tune." So, I proceed to really listen to all of  Open Up and Say...Ahh!! for the nine millionth time. By really listen, I mean, not allowing the songs to become background noise. Instead, I focused on the guitar tone, the lyrics, the entire feel of the disc. People can mock Poison all they want, but this band was in one hell of a groove while writing Open Up and Say...Ahh!!

Poison get slammed a lot for playing the same set every summer. People want to hear "Look What the Cat Dragged In" and the band obliges, but my goodness, I'm pretty sure I'd lose it if C.C. DeVille played the opening of "Love on the Rocks." Scratch that: I know I'd lose it.

There are five albums in the entire world of which I know every word of every song, and Open Up and Say...Ahh!! is one of them. The others, if you care, are Def Leppard's Hysteria and Aerosmith's Get a Grip, Rocks and Toys in the Attic.

What do you think of the Open Up and Say...Ahh!! album cuts?

Here's the album version of"Love on the Rocks." For the record, I did find a YouTube clip of Poison performing this song live in 1991, but it's not fair or accurate to compare set lists from different decades.


Big Hair: Interactive

We always talk about Glam metal bands around here - but what about the hair? Some of the hairstyles were badass...while many were just plain bad. I think it's high time we rank the best hair of the 80s - music notwithstanding. Here's my list of the best over-the-top Glam hair, and remember, I'm not taking musical ability into account here:

10. Nikki Sixx - Motley Crue. Seriously, the man had good hair and it was big too!  He's been dying it black for three decades now and there ain't nothing wrong with that. As Motley's image changed, so the did the hair until it's evolution into perfection. Ladies: have you seen the still shot of Nikki at the beginning of the new "Saints of Los Angeles" video? Meow. All that hair plus a white hat and expensive suit to boot. Sigh.

09. Eric Brittingham - Cinderella.  Ok, I prefer men in Metal bands to have black hair, but Eric gets a pass for his luscious, long blond locks (o.k., he's got dark hair now, but so do I. I was blond once too). His hair is so long it comes dangerously close to his bass strings - even when his guitar is slung low across his hips. Now, that's Glam.

britnyfoxalbum.jpg08. Dizzy Dean Davidson - Britny Fox. Yeah, he's the guy who sang "Girlschool." Actually, maybe the number eight spot should just go to Britny Fox period. Those dudes had some big hair, yo. I mean, Pennsylvania probably still has a pollution problem thanks to the hairspray consumption of this band alone.

07. Taime Downe - Faster Pussycat. I should write a book, call it The Blond Years and dedicate it to Taime. Despite my penchant for dark Metallers, Taime looked awfully cute as a blond. His mane was big, bouncy and out of control. In short, that long hairstyle fit him - and Faster Pussycat - perfectly. Good times.

06. Mickey Finn - Jetboy. Mickey gets the sixth spot for having anti-Glam hair: it was short, spiky and typically green. Jetboy are a really great band, and Mickey's pointy hair gave this band a literal tough edge. I'm sure Mickey was just being an individual but I can't help but think it was also a smart marketing gimmick.

05. Slash - Guns n' Roses. Like Nikki Sixx, Slash still has amazing hair. It's like that man woke up one day, thought "I shall grow the best locks in Metal" and it was so. The famed guitarist has had essentially the same hairdo for twenty years - and that's perfectly fine with me.

04: Pepsi Tate - Tigertailz. There is no mistaking Tigertailz's status as a Glam band: the big hair immediately gave them away. It doesn't hurt their songs are big and rich and I am not talking about a country band here. Pepsi Tate had hair teased as high as a kite and it suited him just fine. Pepsi lost his battle to cancer last year and I think he'd want us  to remember him all Glammed out.

03. The Nelson Twins - Nelson.  Holy crap, this list wouldn't be complete without this duo. While Nelson couldn't live with out our "Love and Affection" they also - apparently - couldn't live without their hair straighteners! While their contemporaries were still teasing and crimping, Nelson had jumped ahead in the cosmetology world by keeping their long locks straight with, undoubtedly, Chi irons. 

02. C.C. DeVille - Poison. Woo hoo, C. C. used to have brassy hair! It was big and spiky...and all the girls loved it.  Did I mention it was brassy? I don't know what color dye he was using, but "white" must have been an option in 1988. I don't think it's a coincidence that the "reporters" at the beginning of the "I Want Action" video question C.C. "about the image."  My goodness, C.C. sure had some good hair in the 80s. Side note: I listened to "Unskinny Bop" four times on repeat while writing this piece. Is it wrong that I still smile at the TV/computer screen when Bret and Rikki smile right back? I mean, seriously folks, I still get weak kneed! I am 28 years old and know this video by heart - I could story board it from memory - and yet I still get giddy. Glamness, I can't wait to see Poison again this summer. I think C.C. should dye his hair pink again! He wore the look better than Vince Neil - dunno why, I just found it more believable.

nitro.jpg01. The Dudes in Nitro.  It wouldn't be fair for me to just single out Jim Gillette here. I mean, boys had some hair. Words can't even describe, so look at the picture to the left. That's a very famous promotional shot for a reason: the hair alone summed up an entire genre. I have really long hair and I know for a fact I couldn't tease it as big or as high as Nitro. They win. I bow to them: the kings of Glam hair.

If you made it to the end of today's article, congratulations! You're probably wondering about the "interactive" part, eh? Here it is: send me a photo of you with your best impression of big 80s hair! Hell, maybe you're a Glam musician from the 80s and you feel you look better than the boys above. I can dig it. By submitting your photo, you agree the image becomes the sole property of Bring Back Glam! and I can mock or praise you how I see fit. Of course, there's a prize involved: to the winner, goes the spoils. I have some random Glam around the house and I'll pack it all in a box and ship right to your front door.  By submitting a photo you also promise you're over 13 - after all, this ain't kiddie porn. Also, I'm not in the mood for profane images and seriously, if I see another musician flip off a camera for a posed picture I am going to puke. Do something original to get noticed and I'll post your image here on Bring Back Glam! next week for all the world to see. The deadline for photo submissions is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. E.S.T. Send your entries to Good luck.






Bulletboys on a Side Stage...

bulletboysinaction_wm.JPGWell, the Bulletboys are playing Rocklahoma -- they were added yesterday to the TriLabel side stage. You might recall Marq Torien, et. al. played the mainstage last year. In fact, The Bulletboys gave one of the best performances of 2007, but it was early in the day and I think people were tired because the crowd wasn't very big or active.

I honestly can't even keep the Rocklahoma lineup straight anymore. I swear, I'm going to have to print the schedule - and by that I mean wait until the day before the event to make sure I get every late add - and then laminate the damn thing. If I don't have a piece of all-weather paper in my hand telling me who is playing when - and where - the coverage on this website isn't going to be pretty. Just thinking about the four days in the oppressive Oklahoma heat, wandering from stage to stage makes me twitch. You'll notice I say four days, because I've decided not to go to the pre-pre party day on Wednesday. My flights were booked months ago, as was the hotel and the rental car -- and the Glam rock husband drew the line in the sand at changing all our plans. I actually understand where he's coming from for once.

So, to the best of my ability here is the most current Rocklahoma line-up:

Wednesday, July 9: 

All Star Fantasy Camp
Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp Jam

Thursday, July 10th: 

Bret Michaels
Sebastian Bach
LA Guns
Enuf Znuff
House of Lords
Jet Boy

Friday, July 11:

Lita Ford
Night Ranger
Living Colour
Kingdom Come
Armored Saint

Saturday, July 12:

Lynch Mob
Black N Blue
Tora Tora
Every Mothers Nightmare
Pretty Boy Floyd

Sunday, July 13:

Ace Frehley

Side Stages:



Some of these side stage bands are playing Wednesday too, and I think in a couple instances some bands are actually playing both stages on different days.

I have to admit I'm really surprised the Bulletboys are playing a side stage. No, I don't have grandiose thoughts that the Bulletboys were ever as big as Motley Crue or anything like that, but I do think it's odd some lesser known bands are essentially headliners and some 80s Glam favorites are - literally - shoved to the side. I suppose this could have something to do with the "no repeat" policy Catch the Fever Festival organizers instituted this year...but now there are repeats on the mainstage (*cough* Steelheart) so that argument doesn't hold weight anymore.

***On a complete other note regarding Rocklahoma, I want to meet all of  you that are going to the festival! If you want to meet up, send me an email and we'll try to make plans.



A Good Reason to Talk About INXS


Call it a hunch, or fate, or just a mere coincidence, but I've been listening to a lot of classic INXS lately. I can't explain why, but I've found it very comforting to have "Never Tear Us Apart" many times on repeat. 

After original lead singer Michael Hutchence died in 1997, the remaining members of INXS were left with a difficult decision to either pick up and move on...or call it quits. The band forged ahead and eventually used reality television to find a new, permanent lead singer instead of transitional vocalists used between 1997 and 2004.

Rockstar: INXS was on CBS but I never watched the show. I tried to get into it once, but I just couldn't. I didn't think the competitors were that great and I found the entire concept tedious. Yes, I found Rockstar: INXS more tedious than American Idol.    

So, what does any of this have to do with Glam? Turns out a lot.

Paul Black is the original singer of L.A. Guns and for the past couple of years he's been reunited with Tracii's version of the band. As L.A. Guns, they played some big shows including Rocklahoma 2007. Well, Paul is out and now Marty Casey is in. Marty (clearly) didn't win the Rockstar: INXS prize.

Marty has been up in Canada with L.A. Guns for awhile, helping the band write their new album. Now here's something weird: on April 9 I was supposed to interview Jeremy Guns about the band's new album. After he got to Canada, he cancelled the interview. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now I'm wondering if something was amiss even at the beginning of the recording process?

At any rate, I have no idea what the future holds for Paul Black but I do know that L.A. Guns are forging ahead with their new album and tour and that also includes an appearance at Rocklahoma. You better believe I'll be in the media tent when the new L.A. Guns make their press call. I want to get a close look at Marty Casey. 

Still don't recognize the name Marty Casey? Don't feel bad. Here are some clips of him singing during the Rockstar: INXS contest:

Here's "Trees"

Here's "Creep"

Here's "Don't Change" (with INXS)

As if a new signer wasn't enough, the band also has a new guitarist. Look at the picture: that other blond you see if Alec Bauer. I don't have the down low on him, but I'm digging.

**What are your thoughts on the newest incarnation of Tracii's L.A. Guns?



The Adventures of Ford Fairlane

I've never actually seen The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) but I think it might be in the running for the best Glam soundtrack of all time.

Check out these tracks:

Cradle of Love         - Billy Idol
Sea Cruise             - Dion
Funky Attitude        - Sheila E
Glad to be Alive      -  Lisa Fisher
Can't Get Enough    - Tone Loc
Rock N' Roll Junkie  - Motley Crue
I Ain't Got You         - Andrew Dice Clay
Last Time in Paris    - Queensryche
Unbelievable             - Yello
Wind Cries Mary      - Richie Sambora

Ok, so it's not all Glam, but there's still some good music here. If you're not familiar, Vince Neil had an acting role in The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. I can't actually talk about the plot since I haven't seen the film, but I'm sure you can look it up on Wikipedia. Anyway, I'm a big fan of both the Motley Crue and Queensryche tracks. In fact, I have both on my iPod. In addition to the movie soundtrack, you can get "Rock N' Roll Junkie" on the Motley Crue version of the 20th Century Masters collection as well as Decade of Decadence

The cool thing about Queensryche is that they actually perform "Last Time in Paris" live from time to time. It's not as dark as a lot of their stuff so that makes it a good concert tune. I found a clip of Queensryche performing the song live back during the Empire tour.  Lead singer Geoff Tate sort of looks like he's having a good time. Seeing him smile and sing next to former guitarist Chris DeGarmo warms my heart. Watch for yourself.


Tell me that wasn't a cool Queensryche clip! I know the band is planning on doing Operation: Mindcrime in full at Rocklahoma next month, but I've heard they will also do some extra songs after the rock opera. I hope "Last Time in Paris" is on the set list. I know DeGarmo won't be there in person but in my mind, he'll be there in spirit.

As for Motley, I'm not sure if they ever perform "Rock N' Roll Junkie" live, but if I had my way they'd drop their cover of "Anarchy in the U.K." for this tune. This song has such a great bass intro that I had to stop writing and get up and learn the opening riff. It's not too hard for a novice like me. Take a listen.

I will say the Sambora cover isn't as good as the original but it's awfully hard to improve upon Jimi Hendrix. I mean, it just can't be done. Still, I'd rate Sambora's work over the pop tunes on this disc and still call The Adventures of Ford Fairlane a more than solid soundtrack.

*** If you've actually seen the film, please tell me: do the songs match the action? 


Take Me to the Top

Can new bands like Vains of Jenna, Crashdiet or even Lynam survive?

I talk a lot about the newest Glam talent coming from Sweden. I also talk a lot about newer American hard rock bands...but the question that always remains in the back of my mind is "can they make it?"

Think about this: the summer concert season is now officially underway. Just about every tour I can think of features a legacy rock act. Think about it: Poison, Motley Crue, Cinderella, Warrant, Alice Cooper...hell, even Ringo Starr and his All-Star band are hitting the road in the next three months. In each instance, all the bands have been around for, well, decades. Moreover, fans often complain at the quality of these performances. Just read comments on the slew of music message boards on the Internet to confirm my assertion. People say Vince Neil skips every other word during Motley shows and Tom Keifer can't hit the high notes...and C.C. still can't play guitar and you get the point. Yet, each summer, these are the only tours that make money. Truly a baffling business model.  

At least this summer Lynam opens for Lynch Mob, Warrant and Cinderella. It's great for Lynam to be a part of the package and I hope some more people learn to love that band as much as I do. it fair for new acts to always be relegated to playing at 6 p.m. instead of the headline spot? I don't think so.

Think about every major festival this year. It doesn't matter if you prefer really heavy metal and are therefore heading to Wacken Open Air or love Glam so you're going to Sweden Rock or Rocklahoma - in every instance, legacy acts make up most of the bill. Sure, there are two new bands - Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for My Valentine - that are now starting to break into headlining spots at major festivals. During the recent Taste of Chaos tour, Avenged Sevenfold acted as the headliner and all the other bands were newer talent.

Still, the biggest grossing tours of each year are always legacy acts like the Rolling Stones or Madonna. Vains of Jenna toured with Poison last year and it didn't gain them any headlining arena shows for this summer. Come to think of it I haven't seen VOJ live since last summer

I know the music business is an angry mistress. It's hard to break and even harder to break big. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to the day that Motley Crue is no longer a headliner BUT I do think some new talent needs a chance at the top. Just my two cents. Thoughts?



Sunday Snippet

Friends, some of you know I am a migraine sufferer. I get them so often, I've learned to cope with the insanity. Last night, however, I felt like I was truly on the brink of death. For me, total migraines come from all sorts of triggers: alcohol, perfume, fatty foods, chocolate, exhaustion and stress. I drink very little, never wear perfume, try to watch my fat intake (I'm already a vegetarian) but there's no way I can quit chocolate and exhaustion is usually my middle name. So, I did eat a large hunk of chocolate cake yesterday and my husband and I did do a lot of work on our house...and therefore around 7 p.m. I developed a small headache which turned into a monster. I was in bed by 9 and the headache is still with me...and now it's nearly 10 a.m. I'm sorry for not having my post up at 12:01 a.m. as is customary, but I just couldn't. Please watch some of my all-time favorite videos. Hopefully I'll ditch this headache and I can get a real post up for tomorrow.

Aerosmith "Cryin'"

Def Leppard "Animal"

Bon Jovi "Livin' on a Prayer"

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