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Entries from March 1, 2014 - March 31, 2014


Diamond Dave Doesn't Disappoint

Note: today's article comes to us courtesy of the poster known as Him. 

David Lee Roth recently joined Beach Boy Mike Love onstage in Beverly Hills, where Love was honored for his songwriting prowess with the Ella Award by the Society of Singers. Roth is Roth.  More vocalist than singer, more cheesy than a stuffed crust pizza.  He is an acquired taste that you either love or hate. "Meh" isn't a phrase used to describe Diamond Dave.

Thing is, he sounds good here.  Roth was never a great singer live.  Fans who say that have imagined what they heard rather than recalling it.  At his best, he was (and is) an entertainer.  He said what he wanted, acted like he wanted, and drew a huge swath of fans into his fast-talking orbit.  Even solo, and well past the "lion stalking his prey" days, Roth could command a crowd . . . of thousands or hundreds.  Recently, he has given many performances that test even a fan’s love: straining to reach notes he never hit before, scatting instead of talking, and trying to prove he can sing. 

Not here. While he mangles some lyrics, chats and moves like he is doing an old vaudeville routine, and still insists on dressing like a woodworking apprentice, Roth nonetheless gives the lie to the idea that he can’t manage vocals live . . . in concentrated doses, at one-off shows, where he can focus on a single song or two. A Different Kind of Truth amazed a lot of fans and haters (and got its fair share of criticism too, for recycling old scraps).  Roth sounded good though.  Studio trickery and all, he sounded like you hoped he would sound.  This video again shows why Roth is a one-of-a-kind sort of artist.  And it makes a fan hope that the new album that Van Halen is working on will be as good as the last, even if we know the live concert vocals won’t live up to the album (or this video).  Thing is, they never did.  The whole is more than the parts.

“Dance the Night Away” and discuss. 

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Lynch Mob Perform 'Lost Behind the Wall' 

"Lost Behind the Wall" is a Dokken classic... and never really performed live. Like, ever. Well, the other day Lynch Mob performed the song... and it was kind of epic. Totally rare. Totally awesome. Totally Glam.

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'We're Not Dealing With Regular People... We're Dealing With Musicians!'

The title of today's post is a line from an episode of Gilligan's Island. I've been watching the classic sitcom a lot lately to help me shut out the world and decompress. I thought I'd seen every episode until I came across the gem "Don't Bug The Mosquitoes" which features the fictional band The Mosquitoes (played by folk act The Wellingtons, who also performed the iconic Gilligan's Island theme song). For whatever reason, the episode really cracked me up, I guess because it played so nicely on all the stereotypes that surround musicians. Either that, or I was just plain mentally exhausted last night.

At any rate, here's The Mosquitoes giving their best Beatles impersonation! Can you tell my whole life is basically retro?! I love sitcoms about as much as I love Glam! 

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