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Entries from October 1, 2007 - October 31, 2007


Tour Teaser

My friends the Gypsy Pistoleros have announced some American tour dates.

So far, the band are only confirming November dates in Texas. The flamenco-sleaze band is also promising stops in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Fort Worth, Texas.

I certainly hope the Brits make their way to Ohio during their brief American tour.

The Gypsy Pistoleros are also planning a Japanese tour in the spring before swinging back around to the U.S.

Of course, the Pistoleros have already announced Rocklahoma 2008 as a tour stop. No other bands have been formally announced, although we can expect to start learning confirmed bands by the middle of November. As soon as those announcements are made, I'll post them here first.

Here's the Gypsy Pistoleros at the Patriot Games.

Check out for more information.



Blind in Texas (and on Tour)

I've had W.A.S.P songs going though my head ever since the weekend. Both Friday and Saturday nights, bands played W.A.S.P. covers. I don't typically reach for W.A.S.P. albums unless I'm really in the mood for Blackie Lawless. Of course, W.A.S.P. were the kings of Sunset Strip shock-rock. These days, Blackie is the only original member of the band, but this isn't stopping W.A.S.P. from touring.

W.A.S.P. is Europe bound and has dates scheduled in the U.K., Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Germany and more.

This morning, W.A.S.P. announced that no cameras or recorders are permitted at any of their shows. That's the band's prerogative and their right to do as they wish. It's probably unrealistic to police cell phones, but I can believe cameras will be confiscated.

I guess this means we won't get to see any of the European tour on YouTube. Let's watch "Blind in Texas" from the album The Last Command instead.

Can you believe that I now have a bizarre W.A.S.P. connection? Guitarist Randy Piper played on The Last Command and the band's self-titled debut. Turns out, Brian Kinkade (the new bassist for Cincinnati-based Drugstore Valentine) was a bass tech for Randy Piper's Animal. Isn't that weird? Six degrees of separation.


A Little Bit More

SATD.jpgMy search for a gatefold copy of Shout at the Devil has ended. I won an eBay auction for the coveted album this weekend (and it was a steal!). As part of the lot, I also won Too Fast for Love. Of course, the copy of TFFL isn't the Leathur Records release, so the search for that rare record continues. As far as I know, Motley Crue initially pressed just 900 copies of the Leathur release. Of course, there were several cycles of the album released shortly thereafter. I want one of those initial 900, but I know the odds are stacked against me.

Still, I'm happy to have both of these favorite albums on vinyl. I love watching my collection grow.

Have you recently acquired any rare or prized recordings?


Live Review: Britny Fox, Pretty Boy Floyd and More!

allysonheather_wm.JPGIt’s Sunday, and the glam mistress is tired. I feel beaten and bruised after two exceptionally long nights of music. I realized just moments ago that I’d been staring blankly at my computer screen for about an hour. I decided at some point, I was just going to have to push through the pain to write a review of last night’s Britny Fox/Pretty Boy Floyd extravaganza.

Annie’s Entertainment Complex flanks the riverfront in Cincinnati. Last night, Drugstore Valentine, Triad, Z02, A Nervous Wreck, Pretty Boy Floyd and Britny Fox all rocked the house. I was there from before the beginning until after the bitter end. For the most part, the evening was upbeat save for a few bad notes, some feedback, and drunk women flipping their hair in my face.

Ladies: I have long hair too. I don’t get drunk and whip it around, ruining the fun of other concert goers. Have respect: pull that hair back in a ponytail!

Whew. Now that that’s off my chest, on to the music:

kennyatannies_wm.JPGThe bands performed in the order I listed above. Last night was big for Cincinnati natives Drugstore Valentine. New bassist Brian Kinkade played his first show with the band. All in all, he seemed to fit right in with the island of misfit toys. Of course DSV opened with “Welcome to the Show” but they didn’t get to play much else since their set was exceptionally short. Lead singer Kenny Ozz did sing his signature “Backstage Bombshells” and “Life’s a Bitch,” all while giving his parents – and this intrepid journalist – a shout-out from the stage.

triad2_wm.JPGTriad is another Cincinnati band. As many shows as I’ve watched in the Queen City, this was a first for me. The lead singer said “Cincinnati” about 57 times, but I guess that just proves he was working the hometown crowd. Triad played a slew of originals, plus a cover of AC/DCs overplayed “You Shook Me All Night Long” and a classic Guns n’ Roses medley. They’ll be with Pretty Boy Floyd again next Saturday night at McGuffy’s in Dayton.

Z02_wm.JPGBrooklyn based Z02 were a late add to the bill. Glam conspirator Heather immediately took a liking to the groove-metal band. I’d say their looks have something to do with the fascination. In addition to being incredibly attractive, Z02 sound damn good. A three piece, they are able to create the sound of five musicians. Both Paulie Z (guitar) and David Z (bass) can sing. Their originals sound good, but a highlight was a cover of “Tom Sawyer,” made legendary by Rush. David has an interestingly high voice and the cover actually sounded believable. Z02 has released two albums, and I’ll be reviewing both of them in the coming days.

anervouswreck_wm.JPGA Nervous Wreck played a whole lotta glam covers, including “One More Reason” (L.A. Guns) and “Blind in Texas” (WASP). The Kentuckians were alright, but exhaustion was starting to set in and I was growing impatient for Pretty Boy Floyd and Britny Fox. By this time, Annie’s was filling up nicely – but that would change. More on that later.

stevesexsummers_wm.JPGFinally, Pretty Boy Floyd emerged from the shadows of some back alley. Earlier in the evening, I visited the merchandise table and purchased a shirt. Some of the PBF members were sitting at the table at the time. When I say “some” I mean everyone but Steve “Sex” Summers – he waited to make his grand entrance. For some unknown reason, the band is passing out old photos which include former guitarist Kristy “Krash” Majors. I shrugged and accepted the photo.

Pretty Boy Floyd performed (incorrect order):

Rock n’ Roll (Is Gonna Set the Night on Fire)
I Wanna Be With You
48 Hours
Rock and Roll Outlaws
Your Momma Won’t Know
Toast of the Town (Motley Crue Cover)
Live Wire (Motley Crue Cover)

twist_wm.JPGSteve Summers (dressed in lycra athletic pants) sounded good and seemed jolly enough and bassist Mikki Twist is awfully cute in person. He seemed into the show, and the crowd appreciated his efforts. The two cover songs baffled me. “Toast of the Town” is included on Leather Boyz with Electric Toyz, but it still took me off guard as the band played such a short set. It seemed like PBF were on and off the stage in under 40 minutes. During those 40 minutes, Scotti D shoved drum sticks up his nose.

britnyfox_wm.JPGThen finally, round about 1:30 in the morning, Britny Fox emerged from their hole. As expected, the set list was pretty similar to Friday night, except the performance was shorter. Britny Fox performed (not in order and not complete):


Six Guns Loaded
So Lonely
Dream On
Long Way to Love
Drum/Bass/Guitar solos
Hair of the Dog (Nazareth cover)
*no encore

When Pretty Boy Floyd performed, the area in front of the stage was packed but then Annie’s pretty much cleaned out right after their show. Poor Britny Fox played for about 50 people, but this didn’t stop them from putting on a good, high intensity show. Last night marked the final stop of the band’s 2007 tour. They sounded good, but Tommy Paris was stronger in voice Friday night. After the show, bassist Billy Childs was wandering around in the crowd. He said he liked my glasses. All girls should have black hair and glasses.


Live Review: Britny Fox in Dayton

tommyparis1_wm.JPGBritny Fox played McGuffy's in Dayton last night. Without pulling any punches, they rocked. The band played a mix of their own tunes, plus cover songs that had the crowd dancing.

Since I'm also seeing the band tonight in Cincinnati, we'll make this an ultra-lite review. I'm sure the set list will be the same. At any rate, the band played:

Six Guns Loaded
So Lonely
Left Me Stray
Dream On
Lonely Too Long
Long Way To Love
Drum/Bass/Guitar solos
Sweet Hitchhiker
Black and White
Closer To Your Love
Midnight Moses
Encore: Louder and a cover of Travelin' Band.

billychilds2_wm.JPGI love watching Billy Childs play bass. He always looks so happy, and he smiles at everyone. He was also wearing all his backstage passes from the big Britny Fox shows. On top is the pass from the tour supporting their 1988 self-titled release, on the bottom is his Rocklahoma pass. I wonder how many passes are stacked in the middle? At any rate, I think the massive neck lanyard acts as a sort of tailsman or good luck charm.

There isn't much more to add, except Britny Fox blew the other bands away sound wise. That said, Kentucky's own A Nervous Wreck put forth a good effort. I'll be seeing them again tonight as well.




Live Tonight (and Tomorrow!)

allysonbritny.JPGIt's finally Friday and I have a long weekend of live music ahead of me. Tonight I'll see Britny Fox in Dayton, and then I'll see the band again tomorrow in Cincinnati, with special guests Pretty Boy Floyd and my friends Drugstore Valentine.

Tomorrow night will be big for Drugstore Valentine: they debut a new bass player, and they've been out of the live mix for a few weeks now. The late add of Pretty Boy Floyd makes me ultra-excited, since I've never seen this band live.

I saw Britny Fox at Rocklahoma. They had the unfortunate slot of playing around noon on the festival's final day, when most people were either hung over, sunburned, or stoned. Still, the Philadelphia natives put on a high energy show and were very nice to me when I interviewed them for this online magazine.

If you're in southern Ohio, catch Britny Fox tonight at McGuffys in Dayton. Tomorrow, head to Cincinnati and Annies to see Britny Fox, Pretty Boy Floyd and Drugstore Valentine.

Here's "Long Way to Love" from the self-titled Britny Fox debut.


Review: S.E.X. Department

sexdepartment.jpgThese days, Sweden is the hotbed of new glam metal. Of course, other countries are also birthing new sleaze bands. Italy's own S.E.X. Department is ready to rock 'n roll with the traditional sound of both L.A. Guns and Pretty Boy Floyd.

Their self-titled debut album (Perris Records) features these tracks:

Call Me, Baby Call Me
Drive Me Insane
Revenge of Vampires
Rock n' Roll Never Dies
One Way Ticket to Rock
Glitter Bitter
Sir Yes Sir
Italian Cowboy
Rock n' Roll
S.E.X. Department

As with every album, some songs are stronger than others. Right out of the gate, I would switch the first and last tracks. The album's title track opens with canned scanner traffic (a la, "Terror in Tinseltown" on Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood). For my money, this makes a better beginning.

"Call Me, Baby Call Me" is probably my least favorite song on S.E.X. Department, but maybe I'm biased. I don't care for the odd cell phone tones, and the lyrics are not all that inventive. Still, this band has potential.

"Rock n' Roll Never Dies" and "One Way Ticket to Rock" are both strong, upbeat tracks. The latter really sounds like Pretty Boy Floyd. Lead singer/guitarist Kelly "Trash" Mendess doesn't have the strongest voice in Metal, then again, neither does Steven Tyler, David Lee Roth or Vince Neil.

I'll give the boys in S.E.X. Department this much: they know PR, and that's really half the battle. They are not ashamed to do a ton of Myspace bulletins and private emails to media outlets. They also include an inventive press kit with copies of their promotional disc. Written like a police blotter, S.E.X. Department do a good job connecting image to sound.

Listen to samples at

Band members:
Kelly Trash Mendess - Vocals/guitar
Doctor Dok - Bass
Milky Milano - Drums

Here's S.E.X. Department performing "Revenge of the Vampires"