A Gentle Reminder...

...Bring Back Glam! is a registered trademark. I've spent hundreds of dollars to license - and legally - own my brand. I don't appreciate when people steal ideas or copy. Plus, it's illegal. That's all.
...Bring Back Glam! is a registered trademark. I've spent hundreds of dollars to license - and legally - own my brand. I don't appreciate when people steal ideas or copy. Plus, it's illegal. That's all.
I'm becoming obsessed with the idea of collecting records. By records, I mean the real mccoy: vinyl.
Over the weekend, I spent a lot of money. I've felt really bad for a long time and I think Eric was trying to cheer me up. He bought me CDs, a new blazer and a cocktail dress for the Motley Cruise. Later that night I decided my life wouldn't be complete unless I had a new turntable. Now, I don't spend a lot of cash on any one item - ever. I think women that spend $800 on a pair of jeans or shoes are crazy. Actually, I think women that spend $80 on a pair of jeans or shoes are equally crazy. So, the turntable I purchased was cheap, but I'm pretty excited about it and I can't wait for the arrival. It should be at my home by the beginning to the next week.
Now I want more records. Rare records. Beautiful, early glam records. I was bidding (and winning) a copy of Sheer Greed by Girl. Of course, Girl is a UK glam band that features Phil Lewis (L.A. Guns) and Phil Collen (Def Leppard) before they were famous for their respective bands. The Phils were destined for glam goodness and I really want to own the debut disc.
Taking a hot bath distracted me from my bidding and I lost the auction. The album eventually sold for $15.50. My maximum bid was $15 bucks. Talk about heart-wrenching.
I found a few other copies on eBay, but most are not the same grade quality as the record I lost. I'm also still on the hunt for a supreme quality Shout at the Devil gatefold. All the copies I've ever found are pretty worn. I know someone on this earth owns an unopened copy of Motley Crue's best work.
So, I could make extra mortgage payments, get rid of a student loan, credit card bill or I could spend my cash on records. Records are more fun.
Just like Jackyl says "If it feels good...do it!"
While I was clicking through YouTube last night, I found the coolest clip of early Pantera. Yes, there's spandex. Yes, there's a killer guitar solo. Yes, there's fog.
It's "All Over Tonight" from the band's second album Projects in the Jungle (1984, Metal Magic Records). You'll notice Metal Magic Records has the same name as the band's first disc. Pantera couldn't get a record deal to save their lives!
I wish I owned some of Pantera's glam albums. Actually, I just logged onto eBay and bid on a vinyl copy of Projects in the Jungle. Don't bid against me. You won't win.
I think Pantera was better with Terry Glaze. I know the Metal Gods will now strike me dead, but that's my honest opinion. I wonder what would have happened if Pantera stayed glam instead of going to heavier route?
Glam fans, I have some breaking news to share. My favorite sleaze-flamenco band The Gypsy Pistoleros are adding another member.
...And he's famous.
...And it's going to cause some controversy.
It's Eric Stacy of Faster Pussycat (the Brent Muscat version). While the Pistoleros haven't officially announced this line-up change, I can tell you that my source is very reliable. I can also tell you that the remaining Pistoleros are intact, so no worries on that front. Stacy is rumored to play rhythm guitar for the Pistoleros.
Of course, the question is will Stacy remain in Faster Pussycat, or is this the final nail in the coffin for the Muscat version? I'll try to work on these questions and bring you some answers. The intrepid reporter is on the case!
The Gypsy Pistoleros were set to tour Europe with RATT. Stephen Pearcy and company cancelled that European tour without warning, leaving my Pistoleros a little high and dry. I do believe that tour will still happen. Routing is still being planned.
Right now, the flamenco warriors are working on an American distribution deal for their debut effort Wild, Beautiful, Damned.
****The Gypsy Pistoleros have already been invited back to Rocklahoma 2008. Tickets for next summer's festival were released this morning. Good luck to those who plan to purchase. You may do so at www.feverfest.com. Another tipster tells me two of the headliners for Rocklahoma 2008. Since I can't independently confirm this tip, I'll keep the information to myself.
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