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Entries by Allyson B. Crawford (6905)


Name the Riff

So, one of my hair metal tunes of the moment is Whitesnake's "Still of the Night."

The thing that drives me crazy is the song's baseline.

 I know it's Led Zeppelin inspired.

It's well documented that David Coverdale is obsessed with Zepplelin.

The question remains...did Coverdale steal the famous guitar parts from the eclectic (and fabulous!) "Kashmir?"

It's the question of the day...and our first installment of "Name that Riff."






Political Ramifications of Glam

Yes, there are many over-arching political ramifications of the glam movement.

In particular, Def Leppard's "Gods of War" was way ahead of its time, both musically and politically.

At the end of the track, the band uses snippets of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher talking about terrorism.

"They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong. "

Years later, President Bush uttered nearly the same statements after 9/11. Only this time, musicians didn't jump to criticize the acts of statements of world leaders. They jumped on the political bandwagon, praising America's involvement in the so-called "War on Terror. "

This is clear in all the immediate, post 9/11 patriotic releases and music specials. And good for them. Except, where's the criticism?

For all it's in your face self-indulgence, ever once in a while, glam acts had the wherewithal to address social issues in a way that a younger demographic would both understand and appreciate.

Now, to the music bit of the discussion.

"Gods of War" was never released as a single off the "Hysteria" album. This fact doesn't mean the track isn't appreciated on well-known. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

The song is a true testament to late Leppard guitarist Steve Clark and his musicianship.

His intro makes the song, and adds, (again) to the richness of the political meaning of the track.

More political discussion later.






It's Time.

That's right. It's time.

It's time to bring back hair metal, ala glam. If everything that's old is new again, then bringing back some real rock would be a modern music statement.

Do you want to be a part of the revolution? Do you want to bring back glam? The bright colors, the crazy clothes, the hey-day of MTV?

This shall be our sounding board for the musical movement.

Let's get rocked.


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