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Strange Bedfellows

Metal music is making a lot of bizarre headlines today. I was prepared to write about Stephen Pearcy's new deal with an L.A. management company which is promising  help developing a record label. The ex-RATT frontman started Top Fuel Records a short time ago and also plans on releasing a box set of his classic material.

Now to the headlines:

First, isn't music supposed to bring us closer together? A man was killed after an argument over Metallica! The man was fighting with a group of teens while riding on a Canadian bus and things got heated. As the motley group continued to fight, the teens got more and more agitated and allegedly beat the man to death. The three teens now face charges of manslaughter.

And this morning, a Washington Post report finds that detainees at Guantanamo Bay were forced to listen to metal music. First, is this punishment? Second, why is this considered punishment? And is it wrong that I take offense to this? The article goes on to explain some actual torture techniques that our fine government paid for and instituted. Actually, I'm too disgusted now to continue. Just plain disgusted.

Check out the entire article on 
You'll be disgusted too.

This people, is NOT glam.








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