Where is Lita?

According to my very good friends on the Rocklahoma message board, Trunk recently said Lita Ford would be playing Rocklahoma 2008. I'm skeptical because Lita seems pretty happy in her retirement, but I definitely think her performance would be something to see.
Still, I'm unconvinced. Nothing points to a Lita performance...but if she does play, will we get a mini tour as well?
In the 1980s, Lita reigned as the queen of glam...then she sort of fell off the face of the earth. Was this her way of bowing out gracefully, or did she see the writing on the record label wall?
I remember reading a 1990 issue of Metal Edge and checking the criteria for the annual people's choice awards. People continually voted Lita as the best female artist and the magazine editors wrote something to the effect of "Lita is great but she hasn't released new material in a long time. Maybe you should pick someone different."
So, do we want Lita and more importantly...does she even want us? I don't think I have the answer to either question.
Reader Comments (13)
First Vixen, then Lita. What's Next? Susie Hatton? Femme Fatale? Lez Zeppelin?
He never said Rocklahoma......he stopped at Rock....
Then he said, wow I almost slipped up there.
That tells me all I need to know. How else would Eddie have any recent dirt on Lita? I listen to his show weekly, and I usually know more about what is going on than he does. With him being the emcee at Rocklahoma 2008, I am sure he is privy to inside info.
Rob Rockitt
Hard Rock Hideout
Hey, I'll take Roxy Petrucci anyday. Then again, Lita certainly has the "six degrees of seperation" going...
Will she be at Rocklahoma? Who knows. I'll be surprised though. And is it just me or does it seem like "everybody" is reforming or regrouping and dropping hints that they'll be playing at Rocklahoma? My theory is that every band that had at least one "hit" song in the late 80's - early '90's have entertained the notion or have the desire to play Rocklahoma and regain something of their past glory...
Allyson Lita Ford would be a great act to see especially for people like us who were too young to see her live in her hey day, but hey isn't that what Rocklahoma is meant to be about? A celebration of the music?
PS maybe Lita can hook up with her old love Mr N.Sixx and do a duet on stage or something..Now I'd lOVE to see that!!!
Guess they were successful!
Neither one is even CLOSE to glam!
stay sexy Glammers! ;)
here is a link to the story posted at BLABBERMOUTH.NET
: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=93409