20 Years of Rock?

Thinking about all the glam bands that were just on the Motley Cruise and still performing regularly, I can't help but wonder if today's bands will be just as successful.
There is something about glam that gives an artist longevity. While the great music is one reason for the incredible staying power, another reason has to be the deep connection between fan and artist. Surpassing that connection is a sense of youth and fondness.
You already know I'm a big fan of Avenged Sevenfold. In fact, they are just about the only modern band I really enjoy. Their songs are technically difficult and impressive...but I wouldn't necessarily call the music fun. Will the band still be playing 20 years from now? Doubtful.
I can't imagine that guitarist Synyster Gates will have the same dexterity needed to adequately perform the songs. While Eddie Van Halen can still wail a guitar, Gates needs a different form of dexterity to make his music sing.
I also don't think modern rock bands...be it Avenged Sevenfold, or Fall Out Boy, or whomever...has the right staying power necessary to keep fans interested for more than two decades. I don't think it's necessarily the music; rather it is the entire lack of a scene that allows fan building.
While MTV was hugely instrumental in cultivating bands and solidifying fans, modern acts no longer have this avenue because the channel refuses to play music videos.
While modern bands still earn play on rock radio, a million different stations thanks to satellite channels make competition even more difficult.
So, do you think modern rock bands will still be playing for fans in the year 2028?
Reader Comments (21)
they try to adopt the hip hop mentality,fu@k that!
- Allyson
It's ALLYSON - no "i"
Point is, no, I don't think there will be many of the bands left in 20 years unless they evolve and reform... Change is good.
Sleazyrocker: Maybe you and Cisca could start your own site. Call it "stirringupshitfornogoodreason.com" or something...
i mean its not really their faults these kids have the same dreams and hopes as the guys before them but with the current music buissness it aint happening. to quote dave mustaine its not the music buissness any more its the buissness music.
the companys are going to shove new stuff down kids throats constantly and unfourtenetly their isnt that bond kids feel to bands anymore.
you don't really like Justin Timberlake do you? please tell me thats a joke.
I'd love something to come along and truly kick my ass!
Until then, I'll stay in the 80's.
You know things in the music business are going downhill when the AP already has Britney Spears's obit ready & waiting. Are today's 'artists' (term used loosely) overexposed? Brit hasn't done a new album in what, a year? Her stunts would have killed the career of an artist 'back in the day'. Yet she's still in the forefront. Hannah Montana seems to be the hotest ticket out there (thank the maker she doesn't seem to be riding on daddy's coattails!), but is she going to burn out before her 18th birthday?
It will be interesting to see how the next 10 years pans out.
I hope they make it, I think they are awesome.
Heavy Metal Addiction
I'm optimistic I can't see a reason why they would quit if they can stay reasonably healthy. Somewhere they could fine an appreciative audience.
no doubt there will also be reissues which will expose younger generation to bands (which by then become classic) like Bon Jovi, Leppard or Firehouse.
so yeah, it's looking a bit grim.