I Sorta Like Tokio Hotel

Like the title of this article says, I sorta like Tokio Hotel. I say "sorta" because I'm still a little on the fence. I haven't quite decided what to make of the German band just yet. I mean, the lyrics and music are pretty darn good...but I'm not 100% there yet.
It's near impossible to peg Tokio Hotel for a specific genre - and I think that's great. The band has an amazingly unique sound - sort of melodic, a little pop with just a touch of "heavy" if you know what I mean.
If you're not familiar with Tokio Hotel, the album Scream is the place you want to start.
Here are a few video clips:
"Ready, Set, Go"
Reader Comments (24)
Allyson, first Britney Spears then Tokio Hotel?
Are you serious?
This band are like a boy band, they can´t play for shit, they have written like two of their lyrics.
Fucking posers.
what has happened to you?
I rooted for them to win the MTV award for best new artist, only because they were against crap pop singers, and they actually use instruments in their music.
But put them in with other bands, and they suck.
There are a lot of pop/rock bands out there better than them, which is probably what I would consider their music being.
Although, in my opinion, their German songs are better than the English ones. More heart-felt.
You have to see them perform Live! is really awesome!.
Bill Kaulitz is a showman! and he's so hot! :)
He's very unique and his style is so cool. From his awesome porcupine hair, to his makeup, clothes, voice and his personality, well everything!.
They are all very young (the kaulitz twins are just 19 and the other members are 20 and 21) and have already accomplished a lot. They have won many important awards all over the world.
Bill cowrites all of their songs.
Besides those songs you mentioned, I recommend you these songs too: Totgeliebt, Heilig, Spring Nicht, Hilf mir Fliegen, An deiner Seite....
I hope you wacth many different videos of them and continue listening to their songs and i'm sure your "sorta" will turn to a "really" soon! :D
you clearly doesnt know a lot about tokio hotel. they can play, really good. and the leadsinger writes almost everyone of their songs, he doesnt write them alone, but he writes them with their manager and other people. so dont you say stuff you dont know a shit about.
i dont understand why people hates them, when they havent even listen to their songs. they have very good songs, and they are very talanted.
i personally think their german songs is much better then the english ones, even if the english ones is good too.
i understand why you allison "almost" like them, and im sure that you are gonna really like them in a while :)
Can I suggest german songs and a forum?
www.tokiohotelamerica.com is a very good place.
Bill Kaulitz IS the most fabulous rocker since Bowie/Ziggy hit the stage. He has accurately been described as having more drama and Glam in his little finger than anybody else out there right now.
He's the bastard son of David Bowie and Cher. What else do you have to know?