Urban Dictionary

Does anyone here ever read Urban Dictionary? You know, it's a website less credible than Wikipedia -- if that's even possible to comprehend. Somehow I stumbled across Urban Dictionary over the weekend and was appalled at the entry for Glam Metal:
GLAM METAL: Sucked ass and deserved to die. The worst type of rock ever. Metal is not supposed to be happy or about girls and getting laid. I am glad grunge killed that suck ass piece of shit glam metal because they were all a bunch of cross-dressing faggots from L.A. Grunge and Thrash is so much better and I am glad they killed off faggy glam metal. Nirvana and Alice in Chains are so much better and I am sad they both have deceased frontmen, and because of them glam metal is DEAD. Now its trying to make a come back with fucking that faggot from Poison and his gay reality dating show "Rock of Love" and the guy from Motley Crue with his Sixx AM. I cant even see how people could have like it back in the eighties. Glam Metal is for queers.
Clearly I didn't edit any of that post. I mean, really, is this what people truly think of Glam? Is it? I would never go on Urban Dictionary and write a similar post about Grunge. Never. Good grammar skills notwithstanding, I just couldn't stoop that low and dare look so...uneducated. The thing is, Urban Dictionary has an option where you can rate the post and edit. I did neither. I do my fair share of rating Glam here everyday and, while I could totally own every single person on that substandard website Oxford English Dictionary style, I chose to rise above. I decided that would be the Glam thing to do.
The link to the article is here. It's up to you to personally decide to rate or edit.
Reader Comments (21)
(God...some people are such idiots.)
If Nikki Sixx or Bret Michaels read this he would kick whoever wrote this' ASS!
Glam Rock is the best kind of METAL anywhere and screw Grundge even though I like Alice In Chains and Stone Temple Pilots (but u like STP as well!)!
Fuck grunge. That style of music killed rock n roll.
Rock on!
"What's the matter, dude - Did I fuck your girlfriend?"
Thank you, I'll be here all week...