Rock N America Bands Officially Announced

Now we can officially start talking about the giant new glam fest in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! Rock N America is set for July 23-25 at the Zoo Amphitheater. Bands confirmed so far include the Scorpions, RATT, Twisted Sister, Vince Neil, Warrant, Great White, Dokken, Sebastian Bach, Faster Pussycat, Winger, Toxin, Firehouse, Bulletboys, Bang Tango, Enuff Z'Nuff and L.A. Guns (Tracii's version). Cinderella is playing too - they already confirmed on their own website so I'm not sure why the fest doesn't have them listed yet. More bands will be added. The bands not officially mentioned or self-confirmed are pretty great, by the way. This is a great glam fest!
My main concern is the heat. I thought the best thing the Rocklahoma owners could ever do was move the event to May. Not that Rock N America and Rocklahoma have the same promoters - they don't - but still. The heat is going to be an issue.
Tickets for Rock N America go on sale April 10th. I dunno if I can swing another festival...I've already got a handful on my docket, but we'll see.
Reader Comments (11)
Still hoping for Kix.I've been wanting to see them for years
Talk about knocking out all the biggies in one event!
I think the heat is a big factor, as Al points out, as she and a lot of you other Bringbackglammsterz experienced at Rocklahoma (Al's play by play reporting had me sweating!), as well as the rest of the crowd, excruciatingly hot temperatures. Better eat well (lots of organic raw fruit and veggies, kidz!) and keep yourself well hydrated (by that I mean H20, not just beer, boyz!).
The best way to go here would be to charter one of thoze luxury touring buses (y'know, the real kind the bands use, not one of those cheapo tin flat-walled RV jobz) so you can go back to your air conditioning, if necessary.
Any VIP deal would also enhance the situation (sitting up close and air conditioned VIP lounge access) and minimize any discomfort the heat will surely bring on.
One question, Jimbo... I don't get it. Yeah, okay L.A. Guns may not really sound like L.A. Guns without Phil Lewis, but I seen 'em like 7 times with only the original members (post Axl, actually) and to tell you the truth, I was never that into Phil's sort of average, yet, admittedly, distinct voice.
He's actually quite limited in his range, is actually quite tin-voiced and often off-key.
And I saw the original G'n'R nearly as much, and I can tell you, without question, Tracii runs circles around Slash, which I always felt was kind of the beauty of L.A. Guns. The guy's absolutely underated. He is a total killer!
And Pearl? Geez, though I never saw LOve/Hate back in the day (dammit!), but I alwayz thought Pearl was a total killer, too! I mean, listen to him on "Black Out In A Red Room" (one of my top 25 Glam Metal tunes, ever). He just KILLZ it! It always seemed to me that he just nailed it with b*lls to spare. Am I wrong?
Why do you think they suck, bro? What was it about their live show that sucked when you saw 'em? I'm surprised.
p.s. Hey, did you kidz see RATT is playin' Ram's Head Live! in Baltimore on Thursday, May 6th?
Trying to sell my ROCKLAHOMA tickets if you know anyone interested.