Black Sabbath Will Do One American Show... But Which One?

Remember how the entire metal music world nearly went hysterical a few months back when the official Black Sabbath reunion was announced? Then things started going downhill fast... Tony Iommi was diagnosed with lymphoma and there was Bill Ward’s contract dispute...
So all those problems lead to the cancellation of the official Sabbath reunion and the tour suddenly became Ozzy Osbourne and friends or something like that. Now there's word that Sabbath WILL do a single reunion show in America this year. The show will be in August and it will be a festival. What festivals are in America in August? Lollapalooza comes to mind. That fest is August 3 - 5... and I can't think of any other events that are big enough to afford Sabbath. The Lollapalooza lineup is usually announced sometime in late April
Black Sabbath will play the U.K. Download festival in June. The original Black Sabbath (without Ward) continue to work on new material.
I suspect if Sabbath DOES do Lollapalooza... there will be a lot of confused hipsters in the crowd. I can say that because I did Lolla once. Huge event, amazing crowds... and a whole lot of diverse music. Big plus: the food tents are insane. Seriously.
Reader Comments (2)
Perhaps it will be another 1 date Ozzfest like they had in Dallas a few years back. That way if the Sabbath situation doesn't work out, you can simply have the Ozzy and friends with no huge backlash. Location: Indio, CA.