Videos of Queensryche at Halfway Jam

Awhile back I put a call out to all of you to submit reviews of the Halfway Jam if you were heading up that way. A couple readers did answer that call, and hopefully we'll have the reviews and photos soon.
Fan-filmed videos of Queensryche with Todd LaTorre on vocals instead of Geoff Tate are popping up all over YouTube. The clip of the band doing "Take Hold of the Flame" is pretty darn impressive.
Also, the band has a new website, at
And here's "Warning"
Reader Comments (14)
But I sure hope they will be back in 2013 with this line-up..
And that's including the fact that I only REALLY like one song from Queensryche, no matter who they are now... "Queen Of The Reich"!!!
p.s. I was at M3 and totally avoided 'em, instead hitting the VIP Deck to kinda watch 'em out of the corner of my eye on the closed circuit TV Simulcast to see if there was any chance they might screw up and actually play "Queen Of The Reich" while, at the same time, working over some Semi-Retired Strippers who were equally disinterested. If they did play it, I was too distracted to notice anyway. RATT, on the other hand, was a completely different story.
MB, Does that mean they only remove half their clothing?? LOL
P.S. I kind of lost interest in QR when Chris DeGarmo bailed out.That being said, those 2 clips sound pretty impressive......
I am also not sure I understand SparkyDR99's other complaint: that this is a false bill of goods given that it isn't QR with Tate but also that the new singer is 'fine' when compared to Tate now. Many bands with most or all of the original members couldn't hold their own earlier jocks if I get the logic (and likely I don't).
I go away for a couple of weeks and return to find the same engaging forays into metal. Consistency on that point indeed.
By the way, Fletch, what is the name of the cover band?
So, yes, I took a cue from the anonymous poster from a while back and gave away my seats to two guys in Queensryche T-shirts and let them see a shitty performance, instead.
It's not the talent and ability to hit high notes that are in question in my mind (and ears) -- it's their songwriting ability. Beyond their classic, "Queen Of The Reich", they pretty much got nothin'. Alright, I'll give 'em "Jet City Woman" but that comes nowhere even close to the excellence of "Queen". One hit wonder.