The New Avenged Sevenfold Song 'Carry On' Is Awesome

Avenged Sevenfold releases the song "Carry On" today via iTunes. The song is for the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops II. I don't know if the song is an outtake or if the band got together to record it specifically for the game, but it sort of seems that way. I don't know much about video games, but it seems like the song is telling a story that would go along the Call of Duty. Maybe one of you gamers can fill me in?
The new game is out November 13.
Reader Comments (14)
I guess there was some controversy last night on monday night football about a referee's call and facebook is going ape-shit as to whether or not the correct call was made.
however, when MB went after me, rightly or wrongly, with a (your) vengence, none of you pussies stood up for me. none of you. not a peep. nothing. nada. you sat on the sidelines you fuckers.
But, I continued on, whether you liked it or not, and stood my ground. And, I am still standing. "That", (allyson) is what glam is mostly about.
None of you people do it. Hardly anyone of you is truly glam (the readers, not the posters). I can call out name after name. none of you do it. You sit on the sidelines and then complain about the referee's call- whether the call was right or wrong. bitch, bitch, bitch.
I've lost friends. I've lost neighbors. I've lost family. But, I didn't lose who I am. That is being glam. So, right or wrong, fuck you to those who never defended me when metalboy went after me. You're the one to blame. continue to sit on the sidelines and watch me being me. you're the voyeur.
P.S. one of the reasons I chose to post this post here, is because of the glam message of the post, "carry on"...
p.s.s.s.s. yeah, it's real great what was created here
And WTF are you talking about, Fletch???????
oh, and yes, I am sorry for the language I chose to use in this post.
you say that you appreciate my "stories", but I am also sharing the story of my life.
is it called having a "steeler" personailty or s "stellar" one.
GO, Go. GO!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the superbowl
I wouldn't have been able to get up this morning and "carry on" if the Steelers didn't win.
no mistakes