Quiet Riot (Sort Of) Unplugs

Frankie Banali is keeping Quiet Riot alive... and the band just played unplugged (sort of) for the first time in Jensen Beach, Florida. I'm not exactly sure what I think about this. I mean, I'm glad the band is still going, but it sure doesn't seem like QR to me. Plus, I don't understand the quasi-unplugged set. Either do it, or don't, you know?
Reader Comments (11)
Beyond that it was just DuBrow's band to do with whatever he did.
When Kevin passed he left the name,rights,& legacy to Frankie B.
While Chuck Wright & Frankie Banali are my longtime friends, it just doesn't really feel anything like REAL Quiet Riot to me, But as long as they continue to pay homage' & respect to Randy & Kevin at each show, let 'em continue. Never forgetting that this is a band with ZERO original members.
keep the faith
I'd rather go to your show than go see kenny ozz.
And, Ace, let's not unecessarily indirectly disparage Carlos Cavazo. Though he's no Rhandy Rhodes, he's still a helluva guitarist who brought it every night in Quiet Riot and now RATT.
As I've stated before, I don't need to see these guys without DuBrow and Carvazo, let alone, Sarzo. I still might be tempted if Carvazo and Sarzo came back in but it seems to me they've moved on with much more lucrative and artistically rewarding opportunities.
There's no denying the majesty of the first QR album with that line-up, but with DuBrow gone, and the others AWOL, combined with the travesty of Banali resorting to Bongos, I'm hearing the death nell from this once great juggernaut of noise.
p.s. Gary, the difference between this situation and L.A. Guns is the fact that, though Guns is missing the blazing Tracii Guns, they've still got Phil Lewis' signature voice. That, plus they are still putting out good music. Check out "Underneath The Sun" off their latest album. it's as good as anything they ever put out before. AND they've got Steve Riley on the skins, one of the few REAL Rock and Roll Legends still around, a total bada*ss who wouldn't be caught dead playin' no bongos.