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Sebastian Bach Goes After Fan

So Sebastian Bach went nuts on a fan during a recent show in Toronto. Apparently the fan bumped (or maybe pushed) into his 70 year old mom. Video of the incident is below.

So let's unpack this. 1) I don't condone Bach going ballistic on anyone, but 2) if someone was legitimately shoving my mom, I'd be pissed too and let it be known and 3), why was his mom even in the crowd? She should have just been sidestage or backstage. What do you think? 

Reader Comments (23)

i`m sorry to hijack this thread i`m sorry Alley-kat. i just want to give metal boy 2 tracks to play air guitar for post x-mas. i don't know his contact info. number 1> piece of your action 2> "goodbye my friends" from sixx:AM. metalboy: whenever i hear these 2 songs my right arm is slashin buddy! happy holidays!
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Why is his 70 year old mom at the front of the stage to begin with for Chrissakes? It's always dog eat dog the closer you get to a stage,and after over 25 years of doing this you'd have to think Tater-nuts would realize this. So this is Baz, once again,proving he's maybe not the most intelligent man in the business. You don't put your loved ones in that scenario in the first place.
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGary
What a dummy he is. I bailed on 3rd row centre for Steel Panther in May because I couldn't hack getting kicked in the head every couple of minutes by a crowd surfer or other drunken goof. And I love me some Steel Panther so you know it was bad.

Why you would put your poor mum in that situation is beyond me.
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRita
"Where's Zach?", I think he got bored and left Sebastian.

That video was so interesting to me. Oedipus to the max. Sebastian threw out about 100 "fucking, fuck, fucks" lol. This in my twisted mind is golden stuff.

I'm sure Sebastian overreacted like any good son would. But this was in front of a thousand people.

"Where the fucking fuck is Zach?! Lmfao
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKixchix
Sounds like his brother was supposed to be there to help her? He asked where he went and if he left. Don't put all the blame on Sebastian for letting her stand there - she's even older than him and should have known better. But I will say that last summer in Illinois he brought his daughter on stage at the end of his set. She wasn't wearing any type of ear protection at all. That one would be his fault - he was the adult of the two.
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermom2ross
What an idiot
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterB Lucas
Yeah, Baz isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch. It's nice that he's looking out for his Mom, but truly looking out for her would have been keeping her out of harm's way to begin with. How was this fan supposed to know that the person he bumped into was Baz's Mother? Plus, do you really think Baz's Mother condones him dropping like 90 F-bombs and threatening to stop the show entirely? the dude is still a great singer, but he needs a serious checkup from the neck up.
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBob
Million dollar voice and stage presence....with a 10 cent head.
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterbkallday
Haha!!, Crued! Thanks for the shout out and recommendations.

How did you know I'm a professional air guitarist?

Wishing you, and all of our Comments Crüe, Happy Metal New Year, with a special thanks to Allyson for making it all possible. Wherever would we be without you!

p.s. Crued... I know "Piece Of Your Action" all to well (in a good way!) and will check out "Goodbye My Friends". I'm ready to crank 'em up and let the windmills fly!
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
thx man you rock Metalboy!
December 28, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercrued
i know Sebastian is a head case but Scotti Hill is one of the Coolest ppl i`ve ever met! the other was Dana Strum! a couple years back friends and i went a skid show...with coronas for Scottie... we finally got right in front of him and gave the beers to him. he chugged a lil , mouthed thank you" next one was "piece of me" killer right? he drank it while the drums were going... and killed the room with his guitar.then we put the corona on the stage..we were blown away!
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Cool, Crued. I've also met Dana Strum a few times and found him to be a very cool cat, as well. Super bad bass player, too! I guess it's no coincidence this is the man who introduced Rhoads to Ozzy and has helped keep Slaughter going all these years.

I guess we can't say quite the same thing about Bach. This latest incident is yet another read out why the other members of Skid Row don't want him back, no matter how great it would be musically.

Rock On, Everybody as The Countdown to The Next Metal Year rolls near!
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
"I can work with just about anyone, the problem is that most people can't work with me." -David Lee Roth

I agree with a lot, but not all, of what has been written above (sans the scotti hill praise as I had quite the opposite interaction with him, but granted, it was only one interaction I had with him, I believe).

But, in this video, bach was protecting his loved one. And, I have seen bach "act" like this from time to time, usually, when it's a young, petite female fan who is being crushed by asshole drunks around her. He protects loved ones; family, friends and fans, fellow rockers, etc... When I saw Bach in 1999 at a club in Allentown, PA with a few buddies, he stopped the show and called us out for pushing and shoving REALLY FUCKING HARD, crushing the young women (plural) up front. Truth be told, I wasn't pushing to get up front. I was standing my ground and trying my damnedest to hold back my "buddies" and their stupid, cousin, because they really were behaving like drunken assholes. (not you, j).

But, I got caught in bach's line of fire and got hit with some schrapnell. I never blamed bach for that tantrum on that night. Someone had to step up to the plate and he did. In '99, I saw him protecting his fans. In the above video, I can't really see what is happening up front, so I don't know if he went overboard or not. In my situation, I don't think he went far enough. And, 15 years later, I hope you fuckers understand what you were doing wrong.

Anyway, I recall Ally posting a while back about fans "kick off her heels" and help the situation, whether stopped the "fan" herself or getting security. What's the difference, really? (note: I am asking many questions in this somewhat rhetorical question).

Regarding the bach vs. sr situation, it was bach who quit the band and afterward, he has done nothing but to get himself back into the band. I can understand extending an olive branch or two, but bach needs to be content with what he has, and trust me, he has a lot. It's no doubt that he has followed in the proverbial footsteps and is a tried and true fan of roth and I am sure on many levels compares his situation to van halen, but from this fan's perspective, it's apples and oranges.

believe it or not bach, I think you should go back and re-read (ahem) stevie rachelle's comments on sluge about what you actually still do have and your lack of appreciation for it. just postin'

Man, do I have stories. Damn, PTSD and it's flashbacks.
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
error above: damn backspacing and not finishing thoughts.

In 5th paragraph, ally has written previously about "fans" throwing bottles and other dangerous objects onto stage and if she ever saw this, she'd "kick off her heels" and help the situation...

I'm confident that she'd do the same if she witnessed other types of dangerous behavior at a concert.
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
I think Baz was in the right here. I get it, going to a metal show, there's gonna be moshing, crowd surfing, and violent stuff going on, and for the most part a lot of fans have respect and courtesy, but there's always the dickhead bumping into women and not caring. Baz calling him out was great. Hope everything turned out okay.
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterDj
metalboy: i had NO idea Dana introduced rhodes to ozzy!!! that is soo cool! how do you know??? were you there??? hahah or just heard about it?
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercrued
Fletch: share a few with us???
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commentercrued
um, crued? have you been following along? that's how the story goes.
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
"Gary, sometimes we don't know where you're coming from". -LCOCYS

gary: from a good place. why don't you'all catch up.

happy motley crue?
December 29, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterfletch
ya know what...this is fckn fantastic, live music in your face with emotion, nothing rehearsed in that moment. It sure made me laugh.
December 30, 2014 | Unregistered Commentertoddwiggy

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