The Scorpions, 'Lovedrive' (Live in 1980)

YouTube is great for discovering classic gems. Case in point, this classic Scorpions live clip of "Lovedrive" from way back in 1980. Filed in Paris. Truly amazing.
Reader Comments (4)
But there is a joke I can't resist: Meine Without Hats.
Someone should write a book about the lengths that some metal guys go to when their heads are less hirsute.
I'll never forget grabbing a cassette of "Lovedrive" on a Saturday afternoon in February of 1979 in Vero Beach, Florida record store, not knowing who the h*ll Scorpions were, acting purely on impulse based on the album cover art and logo.
We were desperate to listen to new music as we fried all the cassettes we had with us at the time. Imagine how pleasantly we were surprised to hear this album for the first time.
Needless to say, we coulda just Krazy Glued the dang thing into the AC Delco deck of the yellow '79 Formula Firebird my buddy's dad rented us for the duration of our stay down there.
That was the last CD of theirs that I loved.
'Face The Heat' was where they lost me, only songs I love from that CD are "Alien Nation" & "No Pain No Gain".
The rest was pretty disappointing.