Twisted Sister Pays Tribute to Lemmy

Motorhead was supposed to play Rocklahoma, but the band had to pull out of the fest because Lemmy is sick. Twisted Sister played Rocklahoma over the weekend and they wanted to give the crowd a little Motorhead. Here's their cover of "Born to Raise Hell."
Reader Comments (9)
Just got back to Pennsylvania. The guy I took (former mentee) LOVED ROCKLAHOMA and wants to go back next year. We just got back, though, b/c after waking up @ 3:30am on Monday to catch our plane, I was driving down RT 69 when he mentioned that he forgot his I-phone at the hotel. U-turn/got phone/speeding to make plane/pulled over by state trooper/let me off but waited 25 minutes before he let us go (ran ID's and such). MISSED fuckin' plane by 5 minutes.
Would cost 700/each for next plane several hours later. Therefore, rented car one way for $400 and drove 1300 miles. ah, road trip/more bonding/can't complain.
see you peeps next year! we're going! peace/rock on!
It's refreshing to hear a Motörhead song sung by a singer in a higher register than it's composer, barker Lemmy.
And the guitar solo, though short, burns!
"What a fucking weekend. For those who don't know, there is life outside of Easton, PA."
In other words...We rocked his world this week-end, peeps! Thanks for doing it with me! -fletch
Rocklahoma is always a great time... looking forward to next year already.
yes, rocklahoma...we do!
rocklahoma ROCKS!