'Billboard' Confirms Guns n' Roses Reunion

The title says it all. Late yesterday, Billboard confirmed that Guns n' Roses will reunite (some form at least of the Appetite for Destruction lineup) and headline Coachella in April. A stadium tour is rumored to follow. And tickets for the tour are said to be around $250-$275. GnR is asking three million bucks a show. Will you pay the high ticket price?
Reader Comments (22)
Come to Buenos Aires, the last show in 1993!!!!! Start the world tour in Argentina!
What a scam...
Sorry. I saw 'em play to 17 people & didn't care back then. I surely don't care at all, now.
Why in h*ll wouldn't these guys either go all classic line-up (Appetite for Destruction era) or at the very least, go with Clarke and Sorum (Use Your Illusion era), or, better still, as my business partner and more than one of you have suggested, why not both line-ups a la The Damned Reunion Tour in '91, which featured the two different line ups of that band? It would be SO killer to do it that way.
Sure, I get why they would just plug in some other people but why half ass the whole thing when you can afford to be purists. Hell, they were purists when they were broke, why even contemplate doing it half assed now!
On a side note,now that Skid Row has parted ways with Tony Harnell, maybe in the spirit of great cash grabs past, they'll reunite with Bach to open for the Three Amigos (and some other dudes) on the "Use Your Illusion (and mortgage money) Tour 2016. I was going to go with the Appetite For Anything ('cause you just used all the grocery money for tickets) Tour 2016, but it seemed a little long for marquees.
Here's to a Happy,Healthy,and prosperous New Year to everyone here,and a farewell to live Motley music and hijinx after tonight (that sucks typing that,even if it proves untrue down the line) Rock on my fellow misfits!! \m/
I never begrudge a fan for wanting a reunion. And I never speak ill of a band touring without all the essential members. Just remember: those wanting this nonsense had a chance to see it live, without all the up-sale, for several years. They also had, without any of the glitter, a chance to see Slash doing what he did and loving it.
Now, you get a chance to see what happens when everyone's best wishes come true. And please, please, don't blame this on Axl. Nor suggest he is going to show up late. Both are old stories handed down as true long after they were. No, this is squarely on a trio of backs who are all doing it for the . . . well?
Then again, I bet the show will be great. Recall: use your illusion. You know you can, so long as you have the coin. And if you don't (again) . . . well?