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KIX Added to Def Leppard Cruise

Now I really wish I was going on the Def Leppard cruise! KIX was just added to the sailing which will take place January 21-25, 2016. The cruise leaves from Miami. If you're interested, pricing is here.

And just for fun, here's the KIX DVD, Live In Baltimore.

Reader Comments (6)

Never seen Kix live to my utter sadness. Dont remember them playing over here much when i was younger and they were one of my fave bands.

Shame really would have loved to see them.

Saw many others mind so cant complain.
August 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRed6ixx
RedSixx! Where do you live? KIX play all over now. All original line-up save for boy wonder, Donnie Purnell. They are just as good now as they were back in the day and venturing out for them would be well worth it, if you can.

I'm gonna see them in Melbourne, FL this weekend and glad to see they have been added to The Def Leppard Cruise adding some legitimacy since many of the acts listed to join them are so mediocre like Frank Gaggon Band.
August 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
Tightest live band, EVER. almost 40 years & always a joy to watch.

And that live DVD is pretty good. Mark Schenker is the perfect replacement for Donnie.
August 29, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAce Steele
Metalboy im in Scotland - rain swept Scotland
August 31, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRed6ixx
Damn, RedSixx! That's awesome! I guess seeing KIX would be a long way to go for a drink! You should come over for one of the cruises, though maybe not this one.

p.s. What bands have you seen in Scotland? I'm going to see The Darkness in D.C. October 25th!
September 1, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMetalboy!
I REALLY wish Def Leppard would take KIX out on tour instead of Styx or some of the other bands they have had open up for them. Maybe this is a start. Kix opening up for Lep on tour would be a must see for me!
September 4, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterKixRules

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